Summer Camps 2007
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Diary from Tabir 2007
This year at camp has been amazing so far.
On Saturday we all arrived and then we all found out what tents we were in. I didn’t know many people in my tent but that day I met and talked to the people in my tent. I knew that soon I would be very happy.
The next day was Sunday. We had mass and then we found out a little bit more about each other. We had a walk around camp with our royovi and we found something very strange. In the middle of the field we found a pair of shoes, from where someone had been standing. We took the shoes back to Kanselariya and Komanda later told us that there were some very strange things going on at camp and we had to keep our eyes open and report strange happenings!
On Monday we had rukhanka in the morning. Then we had breakfast. We later had lessons and we found out that the younger children would be doing an Opera. It was about a naughty goat called Koza Dereza by Mykola Lysenko. We had art and we could paint a plate or a wind chime or a Jewellery Box. I made a plate for my dad (Otech David) because it was his birthday the next day. What a surprise he would get!
On Tuesday morning it was my dad’s (Otech David’s) Birthday. The younger children went horse riding and I rode the oldest horse in the stable. He was called Willow and he was 23. A girl called Sophie led him while I rode him. First we learned how to groom them, and then we learned how to put its saddle on. It was such fun! Later that day we discovered that Aliens had put fruit and veg in the trees on strings. We all found blown up gloves with googly eyes on them! And later they struck again and we found the little children’s Teddy strapped to a toy car covered in grass and leaves! What will they do next?!
On Wednesday we all had a great morning and the older children went paint balling. In the afternoon I went on a bike ride with Frank and Nadia. We went down by the graveyard and we found the oldest gravestone (1727!). Then we went to see the horses nearby. We named them Frank, Crystal and Polly. Apparently Frank was an old Police horse! Later we went down by the canal luckily no one fell in (unlike last year!) Then Frank told us a story about this shark in the canal. We didn’t believe him but later in the week we all had a big surprise!
On Thursday we all did a quiz that night. It was really fun and one question was what colour is the camp leader’s car. We put down the colour and the registration plate to get extra points. Sadly they didn’t give us any! But it was still funny when Nadia and Xenia couldn’t even read the questions themselves!
On Friday evening we had a “vatra” (bonfire). Me and my friends from my tent and the tent next door all did impressions. Our last impression was of the camp leader. We all said “O Tak!” We couldn’t stop laughing all night! There were lots of other funny acts too and lots of singing and dancing! I loved every second of it.
On Saturday we had a zabava in the evening. It really was fun. We danced all night to the cha-cha slide and the Ukrainian entry to the Eurovision! It was all fabulous!
On Sunday it was Popys. First we had a mass then we had a concert. We all did some singing and me and the rest of the molodshi, did the Opera of Koza Dereza by Mykola Lysenko. I was a Fox and we all sang songs for that too. That evening we all moved into our new tents ready for next week!
We have all had an amazing time during this first week of camp and we are all just waiting to see what happens next!
By Romanna Senyk
Age 11 from Coventry