Holodomor Commemorative Exhibition - Waltham Cross
Waltham Cross Ukrainian community will be commemorating Holodomor's 80th anniversary this year by holding a commemorative exhibition at
Touchdown Shop
Bartholomew Court, Hight Street, Waltham Cross (opposite Park Lane)
Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th November 10 am - 3 pm
Admission - Free
How to find it
St Michaels Dance Manchester Saturday 17th November
Holodomor Commemoration Rochdale Friday 23rd November
Coventry are CYM National Pool Competition Winners!
On Saturday 22nd September, 2012 the Ukrainian Youth Association held their traditional National Pool Competition which started at 16.00 and lastest until midnight.It is with great pleasure that we inform you that the winners of the 2012-2013 National Pool Competition were Zenon Dzula and Danylo Barskyj from Coventry. Congratulations to you both. Oseredok CYM Coventry
14/10/1942 - 14/10/2012
70th Anniversary of UPA
Personal recollections
Olympic News from Derby

NSD 2012 results

On Sunday 23rd September the 12th National Shooting Competition took place at Tarasivka.
This year five teams took part in the rifle competition, three senior and two junior,
and three teams took part in the pistol competition. The determination and calibre of all the
competitors was very high. The teams from Waltham Cross won both the rifle and pistol competitions this year.
The competition between Waltham Cross Juniors and Midlands Juniors was very close ending in a level score of 818 for both teams.
A "shoot off" on one extra card for each team member was required and Waltham Cross won by 2 points.
Halychyna committee would like to thank Krayova Uprava and everyone involved in the organisation of the competition, and
and of course everyone who took part.
Results table 
NSD 2012 Photos
National Shooting Day 2012
National Pool and Netball Competitions 2012
Protect the Ukrainian Language!
12.08.12 CYM UK Summer Camp 2012 protests against new language law in Ukraine
Zabava details and accommodation.
64th National Rally 2012
For more information including prices and accommodation.
Zabava Rochdale 14th July
Manchester Zabava June 30th
Tabir Druzhynykiv postponed
Tabir Druzhynykiv 2012 has been postponed.
The Committee felt that based on the previous years, the best way to ensure a great year would be if everyone could attend, and with some many calander clashes in 2012, this has been difficult.
The good news is we are still doing something, therefore we present to you
We are holding an informal get-together the same weekend, Sat 2nd - Sun 3rd
Activities will include:
+ Druzhynyk vimarsh (hike)
+ Q&A with newly elected members of KY
+ Interactive Workshops
+ A good opportunity to catch up with druzhynykiv old and new.
We hope this slimmed down version will prove to be a great success, and we encourage you all to attend. Poster here

Regional Rally South 2012
CYM Zabava in Rochdale
5th MAY
OL11 1HJ
The 38th AGM of CYM in the UK

Contact information
How to contact your local branch or the National Committee
Do you have any comments about the
CYM GB web-site or wish to publish material
on the CYM GB web-site ?