Summer Camps 2007
[Technical Camp |
Leadership Skills Camp |
Romanna's Diary |
Komandant's poem |
Guest's words |
A word from the guests
It’s a beautiful place, almost in the heart of England, where you’ll find a memorial to the heros of Ukraine, and it invokes thoughts of our nation’s past, where you’ll wonder along paths surrounded by popplers and thoughts of our great “Taras” who so wonderfully described them. Here, in a tranquil corner in the small chapel, you can pray with the most national, for our country, for our nation, for our family….And only here, far from the motherland you can understand, the national word, language and song. Deeper you’ll find these holy items at heart, carrying them through life like treasure that isn’t fully appreciated.
It seems so much!? But this is just a small part of that, that I felt and experienced at Tarasivka!
Brother Volodymyr from Ukraine
We are called Lesia and Hrytch Chomko and we have come from Chigaco, USA to take part in the summer camps in England. We came to Tarasivka because we wanted to experience a different camp in a different country. Until now we have really enjoyed camping. Our camps in Baraboo, Wisconsin and this camp have some similarities and some differences.
Firstly our campsite in the USA is much bigger. Our dinning area is different, and we don’t have to wash our own plates. The weather is different, in the US it is warmer and there is much less rain. We also have very little free time: only 40 minutes per day. Lessons in the US are very similar, we learn about the history of Ukraine and we have similar excursions. We most enjoyed the paint balling trip. We have found this camp very enjoyable, and hope that we’ll be able to come back next year.
The Americans