Summer Camps 2007
[Technical Camp |
Leadership Skills Camp |
Romanna's Diary |
Komandant's poem |
Guest's words |
Here we have a place called Tarasivka
Where we come to spend a week or two
Doing things our English friends would not believe us
Poryad, Huteerky and Ruhanka to
But for some odd or strange reason
We return here year after year
Maybe we are mad or just plain crazy
But Ukrayinchi are the oddest breed in the world
From day one we’re all just perfect strangers
Coming here from near and from afar
Bur by the end we’re one big happy family
Kisses, choms, dushi but no Oh la la
Then arrives the day when we must leave here
Go back to reality so they say
But before we leave we make one solemn promise
To return here next year right on the same day
Fifty years they say we have existed
Pray tell me just what the future holds?
Will we still be here 50 years later?
Rodychi Krayova Uprava sit up listen and be told
Here before you stands the very future
The one to keep it going long and strong
All they ask is for us to use our imagination
So come on lets help this future grow
And do you know why???? Well let me tell you
These Sumivchi love Tarasivaka
It’s the best place for all Sumivchi to be
We know it’s safe and sound
And this is Ukrainian ground
And where else would we want our kids to be