Summer Camps 2007
[Technical Camp |
Leadership Skills Camp |
Romanna's Diary |
Komandant's poem |
Guest's words |
Leadership Skills Training Camp
There is always a need for new young youth leaders both for camp and branch activities.. So again this year from 22nd -28th July 2007 he Leadership Skills training camp took place in Tarasivka.
The aim of this course is to prepare future youth leaders for the Ukrainian Youth Association to take on responsibilities in all areas of our organisation as instructors in educational, cultural and sporting activities, as members of branch committees and the national executive.
Both theory and practical preparations enable the trainee youth leaders to start working with children at camp and at home in their own branches – first as helpers then independently. The Leadership Skills Camp provides the participants with knowledge, confidence, initiative, mutual respect , leadership and teamwork skills, and pride in being a member of the Ukrainian Youth Association and proud to be Ukrainian.
On Sunday the catholic chaplain of the Ukrainian Youth Association Fr. David Senyk said prayers with us to start our week’s programme. The representative of the National Committee Mrs. Maria Kopczyk welcomed the participants and handed over the camp flag.
The program for Leadership Skills Training Camp:-
Great Famine 1932-33 (Holodomor)
The programme included a powerpoint presentation by Yulia Chymera on the Famine-Genocide of 1932-33 in Ukraine together with short excerpts from the film “Famine 33”.
Ukrainian Youth Association
Genia Mandzij led a series of interactive seminars- “Know your organisation; Fundamental values of the Ukrainian Youth association (CYM); Organisational structure; Will I be a good youth leader?; The individual and society; Ukrainian community organisations; Paths for druzynnyky 18+ - education, culture, sport, community, PR.
History and Annivesaries
Genia Mandzij presented materials for history and 2007 anniversaries on the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA); Taras Chuprynka: Mykola Pavlushkov; Famine 1932-33.
Hanya Karpynec presented materials on the composer Mykola Lysenko.
Stella Myronchenko from the Lemko Association in Kyiv talked about the Wisla Action and Lemko culture.
Methods and Lessons
Genia Mandzij taught methodology and how to plan lessons/activities, duties and responsibilities of the youth leader, discipline, how to prepare differentiated tasks/materials by age, ability and level of ukrainian. The participants used a variety of source materials to collect information and make worksheets and stimulus for activities – internet, CYMnet, books, “Krylati”, newspaper articles. They learned how to include crafts, games, movement and songs in their planned activities.
They looked at how children learn and chidrens’ psychological development.
With Genia Mandzij the participants discussed the fundamental role of a leader, different styles of leadership and how leaders are chosen, appointed general and specifically in the context of CYM.
Petro Lewyckyj gave us the benefit of his professional skills in management training and took the participants through practical exercises and games in an awareness raising session on “Inspiring Leadership”.
To complement this theme, the group visited the Mayor of Derby at the Council House, organised for us by Joe Kupranec. After a short tour of the building an interesting discussion ensued about leadership in the town council in Derby. The participants actively and confidently quizzed the Mayor, who gave them answers about all aspects of her work as Mayor. The group invited the Mayor to visit Tarasivka on Sunday 5th August.
Joe Kupranec shared his knowledge and expertise in organising sports events during the year in Tarasivka and Sports Camp itself together with Lesia Kochan who was responsible for organising all the different camps this year. The participants benefited from their years of experience and were able to ask questions and discuss organisational skills
Practical camping skills were gained by the participants working together with the Technical Camp .
With Petro Wintoniuk and Stef Mandzij they planned and executed a hike out of camp for 6-11 year olds and 12-17 year olds taking into account distance, health and safety, supervision. They carried out a risk assessment and completed both hikes in one afternoon. Stef Mandzij and Ivan Kopczyk taught the participants how to pitch a large tent and how to take it down, fold it and store it properly.
Together with Ivash Kaniuka they also devised a programme of evening events of sports competitions and leisure activities for the participants of the Leadership Camp.
Another vital member of the camp was Maria Kopczyk who was responsible for the kitchen.
The trainees had a very full and successful week. They all prepared lessons on the 2007 historical themes for younger and older children coming to camp in the following 2 weeks and had the opportunity to try them out and test their own strengths. They now also have lots of useful material to use at home at branch level. They all learned a lot and had fun doing it.