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For Sumivtsi Only
This site in Ukrainian VI World Zlet in Ukraine: Day 9
A farewell to Ukraine!

Lviv: [ Opening Ceremonies  |  Day 1 Photos  |  Day 2  |  Day 3  ]
On the road: [ Days 3 & 4 (Kalush)  |  Day 5 Photos  ]
Kyiv: [ Day 6  |  Day 7 (Kaniv)  |  Day 8  |  Day 9  |  More Photos  ]
All things must come to an end. And so it was with our World Zlet. The last day arrived. Nobody wanted to think about it -- all around us there was an atmosphere of celebration, because today was 24 August, the 10th Anniversary of Ukrainian Independence!

Zlet 2001

On this last full day of Zlet I saw that the sumivtsi were truly tried and true - zahartovani! Behind us was a night of zabavas and fun, then rising at 6 o'clock. However, the participants of this Zlet were awake, enthusiastic and alive. We settled into our seats aboard buses bound for Khreshchatyk, Kyiv's main thoroughfare. There, we would watch Ukraine's armed forced march in the Independence Day Parade. In straight formation passed Ukrainian servicemen, the army's massive arms and vehicles, and in the sky flew its planes. Behind the armed forces marches Ukraine's most favored groups and collectives, and famous sports stars and teams.

Zlet 2001

In the second half of the day we moved to Shevchenko Park, where we took part in the official Closing Ceremonies of the VI World Zlet. During this ceremony we were addressed by Andreas Hajdamacha, head of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists; head of Kyiv's Family and Youth Monistry Oleksandr Kulyk; President of the World COngress of Ukrainians, Askold Lozynskyj; and President of the Congress of Ukrainians in Canada, Evhen Cholij. Our final ceremonial act was the collective singing of CYM's traditional Nich vzhe ide ("The Night Comes"), and a bidding of farewell to friends and colleagues.

Zlet 2001

The Zlet was officially over, but celebrations of Ukraine's Independence continued. At Independence Square a great concert of popular Ukrainian music was taking place, followed by a fireworks display.

Zlet 2001

Our greetings to the Ukrainian people in honor of the 10th Anniversary of Independence! Till we meet again at the VII CYMWorld Zlet!

Lviv: [ Opening Ceremonies  |  Day 1 Photos  |  Day 2  |  Day 3  ]
On the road: [ Days 3 & 4 (Kalush)  |  Day 5 Photos  ]
Kyiv: [ Day 6  |  Day 7 (Kaniv)  |  Day 8  |  Day 9  |  More Photos  ]
  This site in Ukrainian

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