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This site in Ukrainian VI World Zlet in Ukraine: Days 3 & 4
Kalush, Old Uhryniv and the trek into the Karpaty

Lviv: [ Opening Ceremonies  |  Day 1 Photos  |  Day 2  |  Day 3  ]
On the road: [ Days 3 & 4 (Kalush)  |  Day 5 Photos  ]
Kyiv: [ Day 6  |  Day 7 (Kaniv)  |  Day 8  |  Day 9  |  More Photos  ]

Day 3 began, as was usual by now, with a morning gathering and prayer, but after breakfast we started the Great Move. Sitting on our baggage in front of the hotel Every participant of the Zlet received a dose of morning exercize as they dragged their suitcases and gear down stairs from the highest floors of the hotels. Two working elevators lacked the capacity to bring all of the passengers down. Everyone was headed for some destination - some to Ternopil, others to Kalush, and those who frowned on a long trip had the opportunity to stay behind in Lviv.

I was among those in the group bound for the city of Kalush. The trip was an enjoyable one - through the windows of our bus we took in the beautiful Lviv oblast landscapes. We gained velocity; from the first bus, filled with the younger crowd, emanated song and laughter. In the second, where the somewhat older sumivtsi sat, stories abounded about experiences lived long ago in Lviv. Others gently snoozed, awaiting arrival at the next destination.

In Staryj Uhryniv

At last, we spotted Kalush on the horizon. We stayed there through the morning, and in the afternoon moved on to the village of Staryj Uhryniv, birthplace of OUN leader Stepan Bandera. We visited the museum and lay flowers near the monument to Bandera, Then, a return to Kalush to meet up with local sumivtsi and mayor Stepan Riznyk, who greeted us with traditional Ukrainian hospitality and warmth, and presented our national leaders with gifts as a remembrance.

After attending a thoroughly enjoyable concert of traditional song and dance, we visited a memorial to the Great Bard (Shevchenko) and lay flowers and sang the Zapovit. After dinner we were treated to a lively party - the merriment and dancing there seemed endless! We were also presented with a huge cake masterfully decorated with the Zlet emblem, the words "VI CYM World Zlet", and a vatra (campfire).

Shevchenko memorial

On the morning of 19 August, the feast of the Transfiguration, our entire group headed out to the Church of the Archangel Michael, where after Mass we blessed apples, pears and plums. The Kalush parish pastor was quite generous - we departed the church well doused with Holy Water to our next destination - the opening ceremonies of the Tenth Halych Sports Games.

It's said that time flies swiftly in pleasant company. Thus it was for us. Before we knew it, it was time to part company with the local sumivtsi of Kalush.

The next stop on the day's itinerary was Yaremche. We traveled by bus and sang many a song, and I reafirmed my impressions of the great wealth that Ukrainian culture offers. What other nation could sing for 12 hours without repeating a single song? The Karpaty (Carpathians) were alluring and enchanting. In Yamin', a village near Yaremche, we reunited with the sumivtsi that had opted for Ternopil and Lviv. Our entire army was spread out and assigned

Vatra in the Karpaty

quarters at local bead-and-breakfasts with local families. We met later for a traditional CYM vatra. What strikes me was that I've never yet seen such a full and delightful program at a vatra, as I did that night. Sumivtsi from every country, every locale, wanted to contribute and outdo each other! We sat fascinated and were sorry when it came to an end.

It grew dark. The Carpathian night shrowded us as if under a great dark wing. Day 4 was past us now, and before us - the last day in western Ukraine.

Nelya Lavrynenko

Lviv: [ Opening Ceremonies  |  Day 1 Photos  |  Day 2  |  Day 3  ]
On the road: [ Days 3 & 4 (Kalush)  |  Day 5 Photos  ]
Kyiv: [ Day 6  |  Day 7 (Kaniv)  |  Day 8  |  Day 9  |  More Photos  ]
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