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This site in Ukrainian VI World Zlet in Ukraine: Day 6
Kyiv, at last!

Lviv: [ Opening Ceremonies  |  Day 1 Photos  |  Day 2  |  Day 3  ]
On the road: [ Days 3 & 4 (Kalush)  |  Day 5 Photos  ]
Kyiv: [ Day 6  |  Day 7 (Kaniv)  |  Day 8  |  Day 9  |  More Photos  ]

The morning of Day 6 was a beautifully sunny one, and here we were, pulling into the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv. The participants of the World Zlet, 230 strong and with baggage enough for an army, managed to transport themselves with luggage from train to bus in under 30 minutes. Off we were to our hotel. Foremost in our minds: at last a few days in one spot without having to lug our belongings around with us!

Zlet 2001

The first half of the day offered a chance to relax and get settled in - to cleanse our bodies and take stock of our surroundings for the next four days. After lunch we took part in an excursion to the Museum of National Architecture and Customs. Remarkably, at a single site one could see elements of any or Hutsul village life, Dnipro Valley or sloboda (large village) architecture. All this without having to travel by rail or by road...

Zlet 2001

Fatigued by the hot weather and long journey behind us, we returned to the hotel. But another activity awaited us - we were to attend a football (soccer) match between Kyiv's Dynamo and Romania.

Zlet 2001

It was difficult to miss our large party in the stadium. Carrying blue-yello Ukrainian flags, shouting "Dynamo! Dynamo!" and doing the Wave, we earned the attention of the Dynamo Fan Club, and of the local militia. The former thanked us for supporting their local team, while the latter carefully noted developments of our large group's boistrous actions...

Zlet 2001

The game finished a tie, 1:1, and we returned to our hotel full of excitement and with hoarse throats. Another stimulating day was behind us, and another before us which would prove no less exciting!

Lviv: [ Opening Ceremonies  |  Day 1 Photos  |  Day 2  |  Day 3  ]
On the road: [ Days 3 & 4 (Kalush)  |  Day 5 Photos  ]
Kyiv: [ Day 6  |  Day 7 (Kaniv)  |  Day 8  |  Day 9  |  More Photos  ]
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