Welcome to the Internet home of the Ukrainian Youth Association (widely known by its Ukrainian acronym CYM).
Don't forget to visit our national and regional Web sites:
Elections in Ukraine...
CYM members in Ukraine and elsewhere are watching developments about the upcoming elections
with great interest and equal concern. Vadym Karpiak of CYM's Kyiv oseredok shares thoughts
about the issues and events in the final days before voting day arrives...
Spotlight on Great Britain: CYMnet Workshops
The weekend of 23-24 February 2002 saw the first ever workshops about CYM on the Internet
in Britain's two largest oseredoks, Manchester and Bradford. Taking part in the workshops
were members of the oseredok's older youth groups, interested druzhynnyky and members of
the local CYM committees.
Electronic archive established
Did you ever need a high-quality copy of the CYM emblem or some other image for an oseredok publication, a poster, or
any other form of print? Building a web site and need some CYM graphics? Trying to learn the words
to "V Horu Prapory" but don't remember the melody? CYMent has established an archive of computer files
containing a variety of CYM symbolism, including both graphics and sound!
Updated! We've added Ispytovi Vidznaky!
U.S. and Canadian Webmasters' Conference to be held in April
A regional conference of webmasters from all CYM oseredky in Canada and the United States will be held on April 20-21.
This two day gathering will not only focus on training and development for current and future webmasters, but will also
be a working planning meeting for the next phase in the evolution of CYMnet. Make sure your oseredok is represented!
Whippany Oseredok debuts new Web Site on CYMnet
The Whippany, New Jersey CYM oseredok proudly announces its foray into the Internet.
This new oseredok site is the first on CYMnet to be completely designed and created by a rij of starshe yunatstvo!
We invite you to visit the site, then email the Whippany webmasters and tell them what you think!
Did You Know?
It's that time of year -- new login passwords used to access www.CYM.org are being assigned, as happens every year.
Be sure to get your new access information from your oseredok before the end of March!
Ternopil Oseredok Honored
CYM's Ternopil, Ukraine oseredok was named first among youth organizations in 2001 in this western Ukrainian city!
take a look at their