2002 CYM Webmasters' Conference
Fact Sheet
Conference Details...
Canadian and American Webmasters' Conference 2002
April 20-21, 2002
Oselia CYM in Ellenville, New York
April 5, 2002
$6500 per person*
(plus accomodations)
Meals & conference materials
Register Here
$3500 per room* (2 double beds)
Conference participants must receive the approval of their oseredok before registering.
Webmasters from other countries are also invited to attend!
Yunatstvo must be accompanied by a parent of vykhovnyk.
What to bring:
Participants are asked to bring their laptop or desktop, if possible.
For new or prospective webmasters, this will allow us to help you install required software on your machine.
For all participants, this will prevent the need for renting a machine for the weekend (and reduce the associated cost).
Webmasters who wish to start designing a new Web site for their oseredok should also bring photos, prepared
text and other material suitable for presentation on your new website -- you'll have the opportunity to scan and
re-master your images and text with the help of our experts, as you lern how to construct your new site.
Conference begins on Saturday at 8 A.M.
If you bring your laptop or desktop and wish us to install the software required for development
of a CYMnet Web site, you must arrive on Friday evening. Software installations are limited to
Friday and will not be possible on Saturday except by special arrangement in advance.
Conference concludes on Sunday at 1:30 P.M. Participants who are traveling from afar should schedule
departing flights accordingly.
What to expect:
Conference goals:
- To gather representatives from all U.S and Canadian oseredky -- local webmasters, CYMnet referenty,
and all those actively working on an oseredok or national web site (as well as those who would like to, but don't
know how to get started).
- For beginners, an intensive introduction to creating a Web site on www.CYM.org, with
specific focus on the particulars of using the frameworks and infrastructure created by
CYMnet for use by oseredky. This introduction will be tailored to the experience
of those attending -- even those with no background in web design may attend, and we'll
work one-on-one where necessary.
- For intermediate and advanced webmasters, an introduction to advanced techniques, tools and
technologies. Anything of interest to webmasters is fair game - image manipulation using
Photoshop or other tools, layout and design issues, HTML/ASP and much more.
Attendees may also come with specific problems ont heir Web site which they need solved
or particular techniques which they'd like to learn (in fact, you're welcome to submit a
list of topics, concerns or technical questions which you'd like to focus on -- this way,
we can come prepared to spend time on the issues that you're interested in learning about.)
- To give webmasters an update on setting up your oseredok (or KY) with email
addresses, mailing list servers, and information about other CYMnet services.
- To discuss future directions of CYMnet, ongoing and new projects, to introduce and
discuss ideas for possible projects. Bring your ideas!
- To provide an opportunity for those who have so far been driving the design of the
CYM web site (and CYMnet as a whole), and those who would like to contribute (or
even just submit their ideas) to congregate in one place for an exchange of ideas
and to plan the next steps in the evolution of CYMnet.
Conference Logo:
All questions and requests should be directed via email to CYMnet@cym.org.
* All prices listed in U.S. Dollars