Circulars of the UYA Great Britain Executive
22. CYMnet
21. Slogans and Anniversaries for 2013
20. Carol Singing
19a. Report of the Finance/Budget Committee
19. National Committee members’ responsibilities
18. Camps Committee Meeting
17d. Shooting Competition in Tarasivka - Pistol Registration
17c. Shooting Competition in Tarasivka - Rifle Registration
17b. Shooting Competition in Tarasivka - Consent Form
17a. Shooting Competition in Tarasivka - Rules
17. Shooting Competition in Tarasivka
16. National Netball Competition
15. National Pool Competition
14a. Bazar Appeal
14. Bazar 2012
13. 64th Krayoviy Zdvyh - Registration of oseredok for official part
12. 64th Krayoviy Zdvyh
11. CRB Update
10.1. National football competition cancelled
2. Remembrance Sunday in Tarasivka
9. Camp Forms for 2012
8. National football competition in Manchester
7. Pysanka - Easter Collection
6a. Delegate attendance forms
6. 38th National CYM AGM
4c. World Educators Council Bulletin
4b. Language Camp in Ukraine
4a. CYM Camp in Ukraine
4. Camps in Ukraine and World Committee Educational Newsletter
3. National Football Competition in Manchester
Slogan and anniversaries for 2012 - Addendum
2. Commemorative Service for Roman Shukhevych
1. Meeting of Camps Committee
25. Slogan and anniversaries for 2012
24. Kolyada 2012
23. 1. Dates for 2012 2. Easyfundraising
22. Fundraising for Girls’ Shower Block (2nd update)
21. The future of our “zdvyhy”
20. Football Competition in Bradford
19. Camps Committee: request for feedback
18. Shooting Competition in Tarasivka
17. National Netball Competition
16. National Doubles Pool Competition
15. 9th World CYM Zlet
15a. 9th World CYM Zlet Payment
15b. 9th World CYM Zlet Obyzhnyk CY CYM 2011
15c. 9th World CYM Zlet Programme
15d. 9th World CYM Zlet Registration
15e. 9th World CYM Zlet Responsibility
14. 63rd National CYM Rally
13a. ITEM: Communication of the presidium of the 18th World Congress of CYM
13. ITEM: 18th World Congress of CYM
12. ITEM: Camp Forms for 2011
11. ITEM: Fundraising for Girls’ Shower Block (update)
10. National football competition in Derby
9b. Tabir Druzhynykiv 2011 Adult information and Medical form
9a. Tabir Druzhynykiv 2011 registration form
9. Tabir Druzhynykiv 2011 Tabir
8b. Additional information re English language camps in Ukraine
8a. Additional information re English language camps in Ukraine
8. Additional information re English language camps in Ukraine
7. Easter Colection 2011
6. Commemorative Service
5. 1. Meeting of Events Coordinators
2. Meeting of Camps Committee
4b. Anti Bullyuing Policy
4a. Child Protection Policy
3. Slogan and anniversaries for 2011
2. Meeting of Camps Committee 2011
1. Football Competition in Derby- Druzhynyk Camp 27-30 May 2011
1a. Druzhynyk Camp Application Form 27-30 May 2011
1b. Druzhynyk Camp Handbook 27-30 May 2011
- 1. CYM in Ukraine is looking for English language teachers.
2. Generate funds for CYM through online shopping 3. Take part and get sponsored in Fun Runs for CYM
20a. Language camps in Ukraine
20b. Sponsorship forms for 10 km run Derby April 3rd 2011
20c. Sponsorship forms for 3 km run Derby April 3rd 2011
19. Carol Singing 2011
18. New building project in Tarasivka
17. Camp Comittee meeting
16. National football competition in Derby 6 a side (20 November)
15a. National shooting competition rules (25 September)
15. National shooting competition (25 September)
14. National netball competition (25 September)
13. National pool competition (25 September)
12. Bazar 2010 (28 August 2010)
11a. 62nd National CYM Rally Poster (3 July 2010)
11. 62nd National CYM Rally (3 July 2010)
10. Meeting of events co-ordinators (27 June 2010)
8. Summer Camp Comittee meeting (6 June 2010)
7. Summer Camp Comittee meeting (9 May 2010)
5. National football competition in Derby (7 March 2010)
4. Additional CYM dates for 2010 (15 February 2010)
3. Commemorative Service (14 February 2010)
2. 35th National CYM AGM (8 February 2010)
2a. Proxy Registration
1. Meeting of Camps Committee and Meeting of Sports Reps (29 January 2010)
27. Announcements from Lviv Polytechnic (15 December 2009)
27a. The “For You, Ukraine” competition
27b. Invitation to take part in sports events during Euro-2012
26. Dates for 2010 (8 December 2009)
24. Meeting to organize Druzhynnyk Camp (24 November 2009)
23. Slogan and anniversaries for 2010 (27 October 2009)
22. National 5-aside football in Stockport & Meeting of Camps Committee (8 October 2009)
21. Druzhynnyk Workshop & Meeting of Camps Committee (10 September 2009)
20. Bazaar 2009 (15 August 2009)
19. Bazaar 2009 (5 August 2009)
18. Meeting to organize Druzhynnyk Camp (24 June 2009)
17. 61st National Rally (29 May 2009)
16. Camp Forms for 2009 (14 May 2009)
15. Remembrance Sunday in Tarasivka (13 May 2009)
14. Three Day Mini-Weekend Camp cancelled (21 March 2009)
13. Easter Collection 2009 (12 March 2009)
12. Camps Committee (26 February 2009)
11. National football competition in Derby (20 February 2009)
10. Commemorative Service (15 February 2009)
9. Shooting Competition in Tarasivka (13 February 2009)
9a. Shooting Competition Details
8. National Netball Competition (13 February 2009)
7. National Doubles Pool Competition (13 February 2009)
6. Bush fires around CYM camp in Australia (11 February 2009)
6a. CYM in Australia Circular
6b. CYM in Melbourne Update
5. Awards for Druzhynnyky and Format of 2009 National Rally (Krayovy Zdvyh)
National Committee Plenum (11 February 2009)
4. National Committee Plenum (10 February 2009)
4a. National Committee Plenum Branch Report
4b. National Committee Plenum
3. Outdoor Pursuits Weekend (10 February 2009)
2. 8th World Druzhynnyk Zlet (27 January 2009)
2a. Registration Form
2b. Letter from the World Executive
1. Slogan and anniversaries for 2009 (16 January 2009)
28. Carol Singing 2009 (5 December 2008)
27. Holodomor Remembrance Day - Acknowledgement and Dates for 2009 (30 November 2008)
26. National Holodomor Remembrance Day (2 November 2008)
25. CYM Jubilee Dinner Dance cancelled (9 October 2008)
24. Football Competition in Bradford (26 September 2008)
23. World CYM Committee Meeting (31 August 2008)
22. Camps Committee Meeting (30 August 2008)
22. CYM Jubilee Dinner Dance (20 August 2008)
21a. Poster
20. Bazaar (2 August 2008)
20a. Request
19. More on National CYM Rally (23 June 2008)
18. Remembrance Sunday in Tarasivka (26 May 2008)
17. 60th National CYM Rally (20 May 2008)
16. Meeting of Events Organisers (19 May 2008)
15. Camps Committee (15 May 2008)
14. Call for druzhynnyky to take part in youth camp in Ukraine (24 April 2008)
14a. Form
13. Camp Forms for 2008 (18 April 2008)
12. Easter Collection 2008 (5 April 2008)
11. “Krylati” magazine (22 March 2008)
10. Thank-you (14 March 2008)
9. Holodomor Campaign Workshop (3 March 2008)
8. National Doubles Pool Competition (27 February 2008)
7. Commemorative Service (25 February 2008)
6. National football competition in Derby (23 February 2008)
5. National Netball Competition (22 February 2008)
4. Shooting Competition in Tarasivka (21 February 2008)
4a. Shooting Competition Details
3. National Rally & 60 years of CYM, Volunteers required for camp komanda and Three Day Mini-Weekend Camp cancelled.
(20 February 2008)
2. 36th National CYM AGM (18 February 2008)
1. National Committee Circulars on CYMnet and Holodomor Workshop in Tarasivka
(14 February 2007)
21. Additional CYM dates for 2008 (15 December 2007)
20. Carol Singing 2008 (25 November 2007)
19. Slogan and anniversaries for 2008 (20 November 2007)
19a. Request
18. Dates for 2008 and Action for the Recognition of the Great Famine and Camps Committee Meeting
(24 October 2007)
17. Camps Committee Meeting (22 August 2007)
16. Tarasivka Bazaar 2007 (1 August 2007)
16a. Request
15. National CYM Rally (1 July 2007)
14. 59th National CYM Rally (22 June 2007)
14a. Programme
13. Rules for Competitions (23 May 2007)
12. Summer Camps 2007 (20 April 2007)
11. Action for the Recognition of the Great Famine (1932-33) as genocide against the Ukrainian Nation (3 April 2007)
10. Easter Collection (25 March 2007)
9. Outdoor Pursuits Weekend (16 March 2007)
9a. Poster
8. National Football Competition (15 March 2007)
7. National Committee Plenum (6 March 2007)
7a. National Committee Plenum Branch Report
7b. National Committee Plenum
6. Shooting Competition (27 February 2007)
6a. Shooting Competition Details
6b. Shooting Competition Rules
5. Regional Conferences and Workshops (9 February 2007)
4. Commemorative Service (5 February 2007)
3. Slogan and anniversaries for 2007 (24 January 2007)
2. Camps Committee & Sports Reps meetings (14 January 2007)
1. CYMnet Seminar (1 January 2007)
1a. CYMnet Seminar Form
15. Camps Committee & Sports Reps meetings (16 August 2006)
14. Tarasivka Bazaar 2006 (10 August 2006)
14a. Request
13. National CYM Rally (29 June 2006)
13a. Programme
12. Camps Committee meeting (20 June 2006)
11. Camps Committee meeting (23 May 2006)
10. 58th National CYM Rally (22 May 2006)
9. Remembrance Sunday in Tarasivka (21 May 2006)
8. Summer Camps 2006 (10 May 2006)
7. 7th World CYM Jamboree (5 April 2006)
6. Easter Collection 2006 (15 March 2006)
5. National football competition in Derby (12 March 2006)
4. Ourdoor Pursuits Weekend (3 March 2006)
4a. Poster
3. Shooting Competition in Tarasivka (1 March 2006)
3a. Poster
2. Commemorative Service (5 February 2006)
1. 35th National CYM AGM (24 January 2006)
1a. Proxy Registration
19. Slogan and anniversaries for 2006 and Additional CYM dates for 2006
(14 December 2005)
18. Carol Singing 2006 (5 December 2005)
17. Dates for 2006 and Camps Committee
(8 November 2005)
16. Football Competition in Stockport (4 October 2005)
15. Thank you (12 September 2005)
14. Tarasivka Bazaar 2005 (8 August 2005)
14a. Request
13. National CYM Rally (27 June 2005)
13a. Programme
12. Camps Committee meeting (18 June 2005)
11. Summer Camps 2005 (2 June 2005)
10. 57th National CYM Rally (1 June 2005)
9. Remembrance Sunday in Tarasivka (20 May 2005)
8. Camps Committee meeting and Change of date for netball competition
(21 April 2005)
7. Easter Collection 2005 (16 April 2005)
6. National Committee Plenum (21 March 2005)
6a. Branch Report
6b. Proxy Registration
5. Outdoor Pursuits Weekend (17 March 2005)
5a. Poster
4. National football competition in Derby (12 March 2005)
3. Shooting Competition in Tarasivka (11 March 2005)
3a. Poster
2. Commemorative Service (26 February 2005)
1. Meeting of Camps Committee and Membership Fees (19 January 2005)
28. Slogan and anniversaries for 2005 and Additional CYM dates for 2005
(16 December 2005)
27. Carol Singing 2005 (15 December 2004)
26. Let’s continue to support Viktor Yushchenko (1 December 2004)
25. Protest outside Ukrainian Embassy (25 November 2004)
24. CYM dates for 2005 (26 October 2004)
23. Manchester CYM launches web-site (30 September 2004)
22. Thank you (13 September 2004)
21. Post-mortem Camps Committee meeting (12 August 2004)
20. Football Competition in Bradford and Netball and basketball (1 August 2004)
19. Tarasivka Bazaar 2004 (31 July 2004)
19a. Request
18. The new National Committee (12 July 2004)
17. Reorganisation of the Regions and Thank you (11 July 2004)
16. National CYM Rally (28 June 2004)
16a. Programme
15. Summer Camps 2004 (c) (9 June 2004)
14. 56th National CYM Rally (1 June 2004)
13. Meeting of Camps Committee (b) (25 May 2004)
12. Remembrance Sunday in Tarasivka (14 May 2004)
11. National Annual General Meeting (b) (6 May 2004)
10. Camps 2004 (b) (28 April 2004)
9. Meeting of Camps Committee (15 April 2004)
8. National Netball Competition (14 April 2004)
7. Outdoor Pursuits Weekend (19 March 2004)
7a. Poster
6. National football competition in Tarasivka (17 March 2004)
5. Shooting Competition in Tarasivka and Basketball (16 March 2004)
5a. Poster
4. Easter Collection 2004 (10 March 2004)
3. CYMnet – change of password and Branch web-sites (8 March 2004)
2. National Annual General Meeting (13 February 2004)
2a. Proxy Registration
1. Summer Camps 2004 (19 January 2004)
24. Carol Singing 2004 (5 December 2003)
23. Slogan and anniversaries for 2004 (29 November 2003)
22. CYM dates for 2004, European CYM Winter Camp in Frankopole and “CYM in Great Britain” photo-album
(1 November 2003)
21. Football Competition in Stockport (6 September 2003)
20. Post-mortem Camps Committee meeting (27 August 2003)
19. National Netball Competition (5 August 2003)
18. Tarasivka Bazaar 2003 (1 August 2003)
17. Funeral of Petro Madycz (8 July 2003)
16. National CYM Rally (30 June 2003)
16a. Programme
15. 55th National CYM Rally (29 June 2003)
14. Summer Camps 2003 (2) (3 June 2003)
13. Remembrance Sunday in Tarasivka (19 May 2003)
12. European CYM Sports Camp (13 May 2003)
11. Meeting of Camps Committee (1 May 2003)
10. Educators’ (Vykhovnyky) Conference (20 April 2003)
9. New CYM book (14 April 2003)
8. National football competition in Tarasivka (8 April 2003)
7. Easter Collection 2003 (22 March 2003)
6. Outdoor Pursuits Weekend (21 March 2003)
2a. Poster
2b. Registration form
2b. Programme
5. World Committee decision on uniforms, Educators’ (Vykhovnyky) Conference, Help needed in Tarasivka and Financial obligations of oseredky
(19 March 2003)
4. Proposed English-language Constitution (26 February 2003)
3. National Committee Plenum (18 February 2003)
2a. Branch Report
2b. Proxy Registration
2. Summer Camps 2003 (17 February 2003)
1. Shooting Competition in Tarasivka and Basketball 2003 – another change of date
(1 February 2003)
25. Carol Singing 2003 (22 December 2002)
24. Slogan and anniversaries for 2003, First UK oseredok web-site
and Basketball 2003 – change of date
(4 December 2002)
23. CYM dates for 2003 (5 November 2002)
22. Do we change our Rallies (zdvyhy)?
and The status of Keighley
(16 October 2002)
21. Post-mortem Camps Committee meeting
2. Post-mortem Sports Reps meeting
(8 October 2002)
20. 60th anniversary commemoration of UPA
and CD of camp photos
(31 August 2002)
19. National Netball and Football Competitions (15 August 2002)
18. Bazaar 2002 (24 July 2002)
17. Trip to football match during camp (10 July 2002)
16. Free computer for your oseredok (5 July 2002)
15. National Netball Competition (3 July 2002)
15à. Poster
14. National CYM Rally (27 June 2002)
13. European CYM Sports Camp (25 June 2002)
12. 54th National CYM Rally (6 June 2002)
11. The new National Committee (5 June 2002)
10. Educational Commission Resolutions (31 May 2002)
9. Remembrance Sunday in Tarasivka (30 May 2002)
8. Outdoor Pursuits Weekend (5 April 2002)
8a. Participants form
8b. Poster
8c. Program
7. Easter Collection (30 March 2002)
6. CYMnet – change of password and Branch web-sites (26 March 2002)
5. National football competition in Tarasivka (23 March 2002)
4. Shooting competition in Tarasivka (March 2002)
3. Summer Camps 2002 (22 February 2002)
2. National Annual General Meeting (15 February 2002)
1. Commemorative Service (12 February 2002)