CYMmail's Frequently Asked Questions
What is CYMmail?
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It's a service that is available to members of CYM worldwide, which provides
an email account on the cym.org server, along with a broad range of electronic
mail services. Your email address is of the general form yourname@cym.org,
identifying you as a member of CYM, and providing an address that's easy for your
friends to remember.
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Who can get an email account at cym.org, and how?
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Any current member of the Ukrainian Youth Association (CYM), in any country
where CYM is active, can have an account. Youth members (yunatstvo) may
have an account, but they must have prior permission of a parent or legal guardian.
To apply, simply contact the local
CYMnet representative at your local Oseredok or National Executive. Don't
know who that is? Ask at your Oseredok. If you still can't find your representative,
email us and we'll help you find out.
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Does it cost anything?
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No. CYMmail is a free service for CYM members.
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Can I use my CYM email account for personal use?
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Yes. You can use your account for personal use as well as for CYM-related use. However, you
may not use it for business purposes, or to email or otherwise transmit any Content
that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar,
obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or
otherwise objectionable.
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Can our CYM Uprava, committee, ensemble, Oseredok or National Executive have an email address?
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Absolutely! However, there
is an established naming convention for these accounts (for example, the
Paris, France Oseredok will typically be given an email address like
paris@cym.org... you get the idea). Additionally,
it may also be possible to create email address for major national
or international events (e.g. for use as a contact address for
a CYM-sponsored international commemoration, sporting event, conference, etc.).
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What will my email address be?
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The naming convention for personal email accounts on the CYMnet server
is to form them from some combination of the individual's first, middle,
and/or last names (with an optional underscore "_").
Names are not case dependent (meaning, you can use capital
or lowercase letters interchangably -- the server doesn't care).
For example, Taras Shevchenko might request an account
named one of: TShevchenko, TarasS, taras, Taras_Shevchenko,
Taras_S, TarasShev, or even ts or tshev. Are you beginning
to get the idea? The last part of the email address will always be @cym.org,
so the complete address might be something like tshevchenko@cym.org.
Two or more individuals may not have the same address, so if there is already someone
with a name similar to yours who has an account, it's possible that the name you want is
already taken. This is usually not a problem, since any minor change (even just one
letter) makes the two different enough that they can coexist.
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Will my name or address be listed in a public directory?
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No. Since we are a youth organization, we are particularly sensitive to the
privacy of our members. We will not advertise, post, distribute, or otherwise
make known publicly any information about you or your email address, unless
we have your permission. You may choose to divulge your email address to others,
but we will not do so. In certain cases,
an email address of a Board member or adult in some leadership position in
CYM may be advertised as a contact person, in conjunction with some CYM event
or cause (e.g. "...to purchase tickets for the Zabava, contact the Commitee
Chairman at IFranko@cym.org"). However, we will not do this without your permission.
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Can I auto-forward my CYMnet email to my AOL account, or some other email account?
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You can auto-forward your email to any personal email account, but if you use AOL, you should be aware of the following.
Recently, AOL (America Online) has adopted a policy that does not allow
auto-forwarded emails from any other email service, including CYMnet to be delivered to AOL accounts.
If you have an auto-forwad option set to forward your CYMnet emails to AOL.com, you should log into
your CYMnet mail account and re-configure your email to auto-forward to a different account (not AOL),
or read your email directly from CYMnet. Several users' CYMnet mail boxes have filled to capacity
because of this. Others are permanently losing emails because AOL is rejecting them, so act now!
If you are unhappy about AOL's new policy, please direct your letters directly to them.
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Hey, I don't understand English! How do I set the interface to the Ukrainian language?
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When you enter your password and enter the main Gmail screen, click on Settings in the upper right hand corner,
then select the language of your choice under Language. Although each language name is written in that language, they are arranged in alphabetical order as they would in the English language, so search for Ukrainian near the end of the list. Don't forget to click on Save Changes at the bottom of the page, for your settings to become active.
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My first and last name is wrong in the new Gmail system. How can I fix this?
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For those who moved to Gmail from CYMnet's old email system -- if you had listed your first and last name in the old system, we copied those to Gmail. Some users hadn't filled in their names, so we entered your email address in both the first name and last name fields. This is something you'll want to change.
Click on Settings, then Accounts. Next to your name and email address, click on Edit info. There you can enter your name, as it should appear to recipients of your emails.
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What about Spam?
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Gmail does a superb job of detecting spam. It automatically puts all emails in a separate folder, instead of keeping it in your Inbox. If you've been getting plenty of spam before, be prepared for a major reduction!
On the other hand, Gmail isn't perfect, and sometimes misidentifies an incoming email as spam. For the first few weeks using Gmail, you should occassionally check the Spam folder, and browse through it to make sure there are no important emails that were misidentified as sapm. If you find any, make sure to select them and hit the Not Spam button. Gmail uses this as training data, and we've found that after the first few times you dothis, Gmail gets quite accurate at predicting what you consider spam.
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What should I do to make sending email in Ukrainian work right?
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To make sure that most (all!) recipients of your emails in the Ukrainian language (that is, using Cyrillic script) will be able to read your message without problems, you should do the following:
Click on Settings, then General. At the bottom of the page, select Use Unicode (UTF-8) encoding for outgoing messages.
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Can I spell check my email in Ukrainian?
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Yes!!! This is a very useful feature of Gmail. When you finish typing your email, click on the Check Spelling link, and spelling errors will be highlighted. you can repeatedly Recheck, then hit Done when you're finished. Gmail automatically recognizes the language you're writing in, and its Ukrainian spell checker is quite good.
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What about my Address Book, or Contacts List?
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If your current email program (like Outlook Express, Thunderbird, The Bat, etc.) supports exporting your contacts, you can import such a list into Gmail. For instructions on how to do this, see https://mail.google.com/support/bin/topic.py?topic=1529.
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How do I set up my Outlook Express (or other email program) for the new email system?
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Setting up your email programs will be much like it was in the old system. Three important things to remember:
- Use your full email address -- include the @cym.org part, and not just what precedes it.
- Your POP3 server is pop.gmail.com
- your SMTP server is smtp.gmail.com
For complete instructions, see http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=12103
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Can I use the CYMmail interface to read email from other accounts?
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Certainly. Simply autoforward email from those accounts, then click on "Settings" then "Accounts". Add any additional accounts that you want to manage.
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What are the benefits of the GMail system?
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There are a number of benefits to CYM users:
- Less spam (better spam detection and management)
- 200 times more space than before for storing emails (each user has 2GB)
- Choice of Ukrainian language interface, English or one of 40 other languages
- Powerful new email search capability
- Chat feature
- and much more!
The email system is called GMail, and is part of a system hosted by Google, called
"Google Apps for Your Domain".
A number of users had noticed an increase of spam with our old email system.
While our old email system handled
spam quite poorly, the Gmail system will automatically send spam emails to a spam
folder, without you ever having to
see it. Our experience is that the new system correctly recognizes over 95% of
incoming spam, so the amount you're
lilely to see in your inbox will be very small
While our old system limited you to 10MB of space to save your old emails, the Gmail
system offers 200 times more -
a total of 2GB of storage! Most users will never use anywhere near this amount
of storage.
An important advantage that the Gmail system provides is a quick and easy way to
search over all past emails.
Instead of hitting the "Delete" key to remove an email you've already read,
you'll wnat to hit the "Archive"
key. Doing this removes the email from your inbox, but days, months or years
later when you want to
perform a search for a long-lost email, it will still be available for the
built-in search engine to find.
This is perhaps the singly most powerful feature of the new email system.
CYM offers email to sumivtsi in 10 or more countries. Recognizing that our
language proficiencies vary
as much as our geography does, the new email system's interface can easily
be customized to appear in
Ukrainian, English, or one of 40 other languages. Each user can choose the
interface language that best
suits his or her needs.
A chat feature is integrated into the mail system and can be used (again, in
almost any language) for
online chat with your fiends.
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What other features should I try?
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We recommend giving the Calendar a whirl (click on the Calendar link right above the CYMnet logo, if you're in the English language interface. You can find other CYM calendars there, and import them, by typing "cym" in the Search public calendars field. Hint: try typing "cym" in Cyrillic characters and in Latin characters to see what you find. Over time, you'll find more calendars this way.
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