National Pool and Netball Competitions 2012
This year's National Doubles Pool Competition will take place in Tarasivka on Saturday 22nd September 2012 (at the same day as the Netball Competition). The competition is open to teams of “starshi” and “druzhynnyky”. Teams can be mixed. Games scheduled to start at 16.00. We cannot guarantee what time the games might end.
There is a charge of £16.00 (sixteen pounds) to enter each team (made up of 2 players), which will go towards covering the cost of hiring pool tables, buying trophies, money prizes and food. Oseredky wishing to take part in the competition should get in touch with National Sports Officer Ange Kaminskyj (tel: 07990 842271 or email, and send a cheque for the appropriate amount (made payable to Ukrainian Youth Association) to “Tarasivka”, Weston-on-Trent, Derby DE72 2BU.
Those wishing to stay overnight can stay in the Sumeniata barrack: price £20 per room. Otherwise £4 per person per night, or £3 per person in a tent (£5 for two nights; children under 16 staying in tents with parents go free. Food will be available for sale in the kitchen. Please contact Krayova Uprava on 01332 700215.
Netball Competition 2012
This year's National Netball Competition will take place in Tarasivka on Saturday 22nd September 2012 (at the same time as the Pool Competition). The competition is open to teams of “starshi yunachky” (red ties – 12-17 year olds), to teams made up of women over 18 years of age or a combination of the two.
Registration at 12:30 with games scheduled to start at 14.00.
There is a charge of £35.00 (thirty-five pounds) to enter each team (made up of 7 players and 2 reserves), which will go towards covering the cost of trophies, medals, certificates, referees and food. Oseredky wishing to take part in the competition should get in touch with the National Committee Sports Coordinator, Ange Kaminskyj and send a cheque for the appropriate amount (made payable to Ukrainian Youth Association), to “Tarasivka”, Weston-on-Trent, Derby DE72 2BU (tel: 07990 842271 or email