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X Zdvyh CYM a huge success!!!!


Hundreds of CYM members, together with their parents, supporters and community members converged on Sydney on 9-10 June 2001 to participate in 10th National CYM Zdvyh.

Respect the past and Create the future - the CYM international motto for 2001 set the framework for the weekend celebrations.

Strong contingents from Oseredky Western Australia, Melbourne, Geelong, Newcastle together with representation from Canberra-Queanbeyan and South Australia joinded the many members from the host oseredok - Sydney .

Saturday morning and afternoon saw many CYM cultural groups in vigorous practice in preparation Sunday's showcase concert. In the afternoon, some of the sports minded members attended a soccer match in which a number young Ukrainians participated.

Saturday evening kicked off with a well-attended Druzynnyk's Blue's Night meeting. Wine and cheese together with blues music preceded a formal meeting. Blue, the colour of druzynnyky, was basis for the décor of the room. A range of issues relating to the activity of druzynnyky in their oseredky and nationally were discussed. Lively discussion on the passionate topic of ensuring CYM continues to facilitate members and their families in maintaining cultural and linguistic identity was the order of the day. A national Druzynnyk leadership working party was established with the first meeting scheduled to be held in Melbourne on July 21, 2001.

The CYM Zabava held on Saturday night was like the zabava times of old. Dim Molodi was filled to the brim. Young children, junatsvo, many druzynnyky, seniory, their families and CYM supporters from all over Australia joined as the CYM family, enjoying its others' company.

Finding room on the dance floor was a challenge with so many takers showing their great dance routines to Ukrainian and contemporary music. Music, laughter conversation filled the evening.

Not withstanding the late Saturday night event , Sunday morning's Apel was a picture of confidence. A hall full of uniformed sumivtsi and their supporters. The message to participants was We should be proud of achievements! Lets, and not rest on our laurels. Each member needs to take some responsibility.

Following a series of group photos, Church Street Lidcombe turned into a CYM parade. The footpaths from Dim Molodi and St Andrew's Catholic Church were filled with uniformed Sumivtsi marching to Mass, to praise God and thank Him for His guidance and blessings and to pray for deceased members at the Panaxyda.

Flags of all Oseredky , followed by their members filled the church pews. The most general comment during and after Mass from locals was, "We cannot remember the last time St Andrews was so full. What made it even more memorable was the high number of young people."

After Mass and the Panaxyda it was the hike back to Dim Molodi and preparation for the CYM Showcase concert.

As the crowd began to grow more and more rows were filled, more and more chairs needed to be found. Presidents of each branch carried their flags to the beat of a march to form a guard of honor for the national flags of Australia and Ukraine . With all flags on stage the CYM anthem echoed loudly, as all present joined in chorus.

"We welcome one and all to this celebration of life. We are proud of achievements and we are well placed to ensure a bright future," Sydney oseredok President Mr Wasyl Senko said in a formal welcome.

With over 800 people in attendance, including Church and community leaders, together with over 250 participants - CYM Australia had ignited a spark that led to a strong burning flame, as groups performed dances, songs, music pieces.

Young mixed with old; CYM's cultural groups showed their class and strengths. Vibrant dances from all parts of the Australia, many versions of the exciting Hopak, rich choral performances filled the program.

A united organisation, building on the past, bearing the fruits of many younger members who came through the ranks and are now leaders and instructors blended with the expertise of a number of recent arrived Ukrainians from Ukraine. Being inclusive, making sure every member and their family has a patch to be involved, has always been one of CYM's objectives.

One could not but be proud of the achievements.

For the finale, the stage was filled to the brim with participants. As the curtain opened thunderous applause greeted those standing on stage.

"We salute our past and we are very confident of our future. CYM Australia has to date and will in the future fulfil its role and obligation as an organisation, to the Church, to Ukraine and Australia. It will continue to strive to be relevant to its members and its inclusivity will continue to provide for those who wish to participate, a role in its many varied activities."We have voted with our actions, for a healthy and prosperous future for the Australian Ukrainian community" said Mr Stefan Romaniw OAM representing the Federal CYM Executive in the concluding remarks.

"The Federal Executive together with our oseredky set a goal for this Zdvyh - to make it strong in numbers, to reinforce our commitment to CYM as individual members and to be proud of our achievements . This weekend has reaffirmed these goals." Mr Romaniw said

Each oseredok received a commemorative plaque for its participation. Cultural directors and instructors were presented with gifts of appreciation for their work and the endeavours of members.

The twenty participating cultural groups, headed by 23 cultural directors and conductors, who lead a strong team of instructors from throughout out Australia, were acknowledged ! The overall message to them was - We salute you!

The efforts of the host Oseredok Sydney were also acknowledged

One could not but shed a tear of joy as collectively all participants on stage, together with the audience in unison sang Sche Ne Vmerla Ukraina at the conclusion of the proceedings

With the CYM Showcase Concert, complete participants shared a meal together. An opportunity to reflect on the weekend, carry on further conversations, the sound of Ukrainian singing and a further opportunity to strut out dance steps at the disco, saw the final curtain fall on a most successful weekend. As the trip back home commenced - all can be proud and satisfied, they represented their oseredky well!

"CYM Australia is committed to working with all its members to fulfil this year's international motto. Our vision is to ensure that we all have the opportunity to explore our potential and resources for the benefits of our organisation- an organisation committed to educating our youth. Positive, contributing members of CYM make positive and worthwhile members of our Churches and our community - Our collective efforts in striving for this outcome makes us all winners," Mr Peter Duma President of UYA said

The Ukrainian Youth Association in Australia extends it thanks to all that made this a most successful weekend.

A call to all sumivtsi in Australia -Let's build on the successful outcome- One for all and all for one as we strive to achieve our objectives.

To the Australian -Ukrainian community - We call for your support to ensure we build on these positive moments and aspects of our community.

Three cheers for 10th Zdvyh CYM in Australia!! Three cheers for the Ukrainian Community in Australia!!

As Ukrainian Cossacks exclaimed in times of victory - BUDMO !

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