Our Mission
..."to organize and educate Ukrainian youth in Australia on the basis of the educational ideals embodied in the Association motto "God and Ukraine".
..."to afford to its members the means of social contact, mutual assistance, cultural improvement and recreation within the Association."
Emphasis is placed on the important connection between one's role as an Australian and one's role as a member of the Ukrainian community in Australian and Ukrainian nation.
CYM is an organisation that caters for children and adults of all age groups and of course for various interests. There is something for everybody to be found in CYM. Organisationally, CYM is broken up into various age categories:
Sumenyata - (4 - 6 years) Growing Together!
These are our youngest members. Here the children are learning the very basics of co-operation with other children. Here they are able to bond with other children of the same age group and heritage background.
Molodshe Yunatstvo - (7 -12 years) A World of Fun
Life starts to become a little more structured. The children have weekly meetings, exploring their language, culture and heritage. They undertake various activities including sports, games & singing. Here they start to form life lasting friendships with other Ukrainian children
Starshe Yunatstvo - (13-17 years) Action & Challenge
By this age, members start to deepen their knowledge and understanding of their Ukrainian culture & heritage. They work together as team members within various activities, such as camps, hikes, and various outings. Youth are encouraged to work out their own goals in life, and develop skills under the guidance of group leaders.
Druzhynnyky - (over 18 years) Leadership & Responsibility
These are classed as full members of CYM. Here members start to take up more responsibility in areas such as education, community, group leadership, and varied other activities within the Association and the community in general. Members, by this age, are also expected to set examples and show leadership within the many activities that the Ukrainian Youth Association offers to its members.
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The National Executive
The current National Executive has been elected by the XX National Convention for the term 2011-2014.
Within Australia, the Ukrainian Youth Association has 8 branches.