Molodshe Yunatstvo get ready for the Opening Ceremony
Dorist/Sumeniata at the Opening Ceremony
Molodshe Yunatstvo at the Opening Ceremony
Starshi Yunaky thinking "We can't wait to be druzhynnyky"
Starshi Yunachky agreeing with the boys!
Druzhynnyky show their wide variety of multi-coloured jackets
Komanda this year consisted of (from left to right): Teresa Jaworski (Komandant Molodshoho Yunatstva);
Stefan Romaniw (Komandant); Christina Moravski (Bunchuzhnyj); Tatiana Zachariak (Holovnyj Vychovnyk);
Peter Duma (Pysar); Hania Polatajko (Skarbnyk); Jaroslav Duma (Komandant Starshoho Yunatsvta);
Andrew Mandyczewskyj (Referent Dorist); Irka Konderewych (2IC of Starshe Yunatstvo);
Peter Spyrdz (Referent Senyoriv)
Bunchuzhna zdaye zvit Komandantovi
Sumeniata already preparing for their first ispyt
Molodshe Yunatstvo - a circle of friends
After getting to know each other, they unwind for the day with some sport
Some of the yunatstvo have their first time on a firetruck
Starshe Yunatstvo are getting told the laws of tabir
After sport, Molodshe Yunatstvo cook marshmellows around their own vatra