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For Sumivtsi Only
Camp "10th Anniversary of Ukrainian Inpendence" Day 1-2 | Day 3-4 | Day 5-6 | Day 7 |

Vyshkilnyj - Rozvahovo - Sportyvnyj Tabir


Thursday 2nd August
Today is already the fifth day of our CYM camp. The previous days were more than interesting, but this day in particular, will be exciting. Every camp member is travelling outside of camp, on an excursion to Dovedale in the Peak District, which reminds me of my Ukraine. Before that we will be take part in paintballing, the walk in Dovedale and up Thorpe's Cloud will take place in the afternoon. Between these two adventures we will have a packed lunch, courtesy of our wonderful kitchen staff.


thorpe cloud

Friday 3rd August
We will soon see the final Sunday of the first week. On that day, the younger members of CYM will become part of our camp. We will of course with great gusto, welcome their arrival, and make their stay, interesting for them. So that they remember their childhood for a long time.
Today's programme began with lessons. The themes included contemporary Ukraine and the history of Ukraine, with respect to the 10th anniversary of the declaration of Ukrainian independence. Our sports lessons included shooting(rifles and archery basketball, a go on an assault course, football and rounders.
At 17.00 we gathered to travel on an excursion to the village of Swanlicote. Located in Swanlicote are a dry ski-slope and toboggan run, where we will ski, snowboard and toboggan. I hope we will have a nice time.

Halya Bolebrukh

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