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Camp "10th Anniversary of Ukrainian Inpendence" Day 1-2 | Day 3-4 | Day 5-6 | Day 7 |

Vyshkilnyj - Rozvahovo - Sportyvnyj Tabir


Tuesday 31st July
So begins the second day of our vacation in our CYM family. From the first we all have happy memories, but we need to go forward, understand and try something new. We start off the day with a mixture of sports, shooting, football, hockey, basketball, volleyball and rounders. The theme of the lessons toda, is contemporary Ukraine. This theme is intended to teach the participants of camp, about Ukrainian culture, its political, social and economic conditions. Also included in this theme, is the past and future structure and standing of the Ukrainian state. The lessons are split into five separate components;
1. The present day Ukrainian community and the new wave
2. Ukraine and the modern world (EC, NATO and the United Nations)
3. Religion in Ukraine
4. The free press in Ukraine
5. Sport in Ukraine Today we have our first sporting competition.

This evening members of yunatsvo and kommanda will combine to form a football team, which will play against EDS. At the same time there will be a netball match against EDS. We hope that that victory will be ours, when we play against EDS.

Wednesday 1st August
The days in CYM summer camp seem to fly past. Today is already the first of August, soon we will have our first lesson. So we need to rest, so that we can remember what is taught.
Our first lesson today is about contemporary Ukraine. We will be taught about sport in Ukraine; about the various Ukrainian sporting stars, these include, the boxers Vitaliy and Volodymyr Klushko, footballers Andriy Shevchenko and Serhiy Rebrov. CYM as an organisation has organised Zlet's during Olympic years, where CYM members not only view the Olympic events, but also help the Ukrainian Olympic team.
Following the lessons we again have coaching sessions in various sports. This evening at 19:00 we have a basketball coaching session.

Halya Bolebrukh

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