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Minutes of the Camp Planning Session

General Discussion

What do we want to see this year at camp?

Get to know people, recognize diversity, sameness, differences. Encourage friendship and bonding – e.g. get people to go up together by bus.

What was the programme for the Svitovij Zlet in Ukraine this year.

Visits to historical places, many discussion sessions to choose from including culture – many of the Australian contingent went to that. There was also time for people to talk about and share what they do in their Oseredky in CYM. This can be a possible format for Druzzynyky.

Justin says that often there appears to be no theme at camp. Not clear what we are aiming for. Tatiana said she did not agree with this as all camp programs were put together around themes and all activities were related to this. Most people felt that this was not clear and this is why the vychovnyky had to get together prior to camp to discuss this. Tatiana said that in Melbourne there are always meetings before camp but what seems to happen is that these same people do not always appear at camp. We have a bigger problem which could help to solve this and this is having a Holovnyj vychovnyk at camp who needs to ensure activities are coordinated. We have to ensure that we do not mess this up this year. Some groups might have to get together again.

Hania also made the point that as far as being role models that’s o.k. but she believes druzzynyky haven’t really been taught what to do at camp in the different roles. Most people agreed with this. It’s the same in Oseredky.

Hania believes that the structure must be very clear from the top and shouldn’t keep changing e.g. people going home . Supported by Tatiana. Knows people work etc, but especially with the young ones there needs to be security established by the same people and consistent messages. The rules have to be clear and implemented consistently. Children and young people go to camp for fun but they should also put in by taking an active part. Need activities so that each person can feel part of camp. So choice is important. We should also not forget that some children do not actually enjoy camp and what happens to them.

Stefan said that we have camps to:
· Either get people together to have a good time and/or
· We have a captive audience with whom we can achieve something but Often we donot know what we want to achieve

Some people thought that parents use things like camp as a baby-sitting service.

Tatiana spoke about the need to focus on our values and their relationship to our identity and our personal development. We talk about things and expect people to know we are talking about our values. (Gave out definitions of values, ethics and ideals) we also need to be mindful that we are role models for young people. Everyone agreed with this but said druzynnyky still need to be mentored themselves.

We also discussed the need to have consistency in leadership. Children need stability in the leadership of their camps. We have been talking for a number of years that with Molodshe Junatsvo especially the leadership needs to sleep in the camp with them. DECIDED: Komanda Pidtaboriw should stay with Junatsvo.

Stefan said that’s why it was important to get together the leadership group as soon as possible.

Justin thought that participation would be enhanced particularly for Starshe Junatsvo if there wasn’t an expectation that they only spoke in Ukrainian. If we want in depth answers to things people should be able to express themselves in English.

Stefan said that Ukrainian should be the language for camp, but if there are discussions people should express themselves however they felt most comfortable.

Tatiana reminded everyone that those that had been in Ukraine were quite amazed and impressed by the command of the Ukrainian language by their peers from Canada and America.

This resulted in a discussion about language and identity. Stefan said that Professor Michael Kline could assist us with this if we wanted to develop this further.

Justin proposed that we have a points system for talking in Ukrainian. If you don’t have enough can’t go swimming e.g.

Discussion then centred on the Camp Komanda. Justin and Hania felt that there wasn’t much respect for the camp Komanda. In part tthis is because the behaviour of the Komanda is not always something to be admired. In part this is because young people in the positions are not clear about their obligations.

At this time a question was raised about the commitment of people present to the two parts of the process trequired – the preparation for camp and the implementation at camp. Everyone there indicated commitment to both.

Everyone also agreed that we should make this camp the most professional one yet. We don’t have much time – from now till 26 December – 2 months.

The advertising for camp is very important.

What activities will we advertise?

We already have some ideas from the InterNET discussions:
Star-gazing, disco under the stars, cooking classes – Uke food and Christmas Uke food, historical walk about CYM, CYMNET, making up songs in Uke, back to CYM basics, Visit CYM/PLAST camps, car knowledge-changing tyres –looking after your car, debates, survival hike, challenges linked to and built on ideas of CYM,

There was also a suggestion from Darka to have a Course Vychovnyky /Vporyadnyky for Starshe Junatstvo but focus on group instead of individuals. Stefan said it might be too difficult to get this in as well. Tatiana said it depends what the theme is. We could do a developmental course with Starshe Junatsvo which could tie in some of the themes they would get in a Vychovnyk’s Course.

Another idea was raised to have Tabir for Junatstvo one week and then Druzynnyky the next week because Druzynnyky couldn’t have a program because they are always running everything else.

Stefan reminded everyone that there were two proposals from Sydney – one from Andrij Duma for a survival activity as part of camp, and the other one from Justin which is basically that the whole of camp is preparation for a play to be staged at the end of camp which covers our historical development starting from the Kozaky.


After lunch there was a lot of discussion about the two proposals.

There has been a lot of interest in the idea of “Survivor”. This idea needs to be looked at in detail particular in relation to safety, duty of care and insurance. During this outing we can have vychovny activities. DECIDED: that Druzzynyky need to undertake this activity with Starshe Junatstvo.

With regard to the play, this was seen as a valuable idea but shouldn’t be the only choice because not everyone will be interested in this. We can tie this in with other activities, such as handcrafts. We could also e.g. do Sviat Vechir outside as did the Kozaks and UPivtczi

We need to have a theme which should be incorporated into every aspect of our camp life.

Justin brought up the theme of UPA/OYN – Wasyl said this can be tied in with our struggle for our identity. Stefan agreed, but after some discussion it was agreed that perhaps such a theme may be inappropriate in relation to what has happened in America.

We have the theme raised at the National CYM Executive Meeting of Paul Kaminsky – Proud to be Australian – Ukrainian.


· this is an Australia - wide camp
· new millenium, new image
· List activities:
Gold Panning Association
Ropes Course
(Soccer with Tarasivka or PLAST)
water games, canoes already being ordered
singing, can incorporate some of the Upivski songs e.g.
· New Years – outside, with PLAST?
· Other activities with PLAST - Looked at map – looks like quite a distance where they will be staying, but we should check this out.
· Market our values
· Market choice, alternate programming (issue logistics/ Hania concerned about programming
· We need to let people know their importance in our organisation
· Healsville Sanctuary coming to òàá³ð is a possibility
· Tabir is about fun
The church says that there may be a priest at Tabir who can take small groups on looking at the Ukrainian mass.
We should cost all these activities. See if we can get sponsorship. Approach Dnister, Karpaty and the CYOA National Foundation.

Don’t forget about first aid for the camp and also maybe to teach to people.

We need to very carefully make a risk assessment of the Survivor Activity.

We returned to discussing the THEME for the camp. Maybe the goal should be to strengthen our Ukrainian –Australian identity. Survivor can easily be built into this theme and a struggle for survival. Sport should be focused on team building. Along with all this though there needs to be something on responsibility.

Someone said we need new icebreaker games. Tatiana has many materials and Stefan knows someone who can help us with this if need be.

Then we proceeded to discuss the Komanda again and the possible need to actually have a separate camp for Druzynnyky.


We then started to write down who could run the camp that wasn’t a young druzynnyk.

Tatiana Zachariak,Stefan Romaniw,Paul Seniw, Michael Moravski, Peter Duma, Marijka Popowycz, Halia Danylko, Marijka Papa, Lesia Bojko, Wasyl Senko, Darka Senko, O’Darka Brecko, Slavko Duma, Hania Kornitchuk, Tamara Moravski, Marijka Verbovetska, Marian Tkaczuk, Mark Tkaczuk, Nadia Tkaczuk, George Mencinsky, Lubomyr Lawriwsky, Natalia Moravski, Hania Polatajko, Volodia Perih, Myron Grunik

There are other people like Bohdan Babijczuk who is well known in Australian football circles.. Stefan will contact him.

If these people do something at camp we can provide a program to druzynnyky like has been suggested, especially about the basics of CYM, e.g. history did this at camp in Ukraine and it was very good.

In order to provide a consistent message to druzzynyky most will be here by the 23 Dec. when Juliana Moravski is having her 21st. We will have a cocktail party the day after or on the Monday or Tuesday.

A buddy system was discussed at length tied up with the whole notion of mentoring. Druzynnyky will do this for Molodshe and Starshe Junatstvo.

We will organise the junatstvo so that the molodshe junatstvo is together and the starshe junatstvo together. We will also change the place for camping as Dorist was concerned by the noise made by the boys next to them. We will put seniors where boys usually are, the juniors on the other side of Dorist and the Starshe Junatstvo next to the kitchen.

Those who are 16 or more should have some activities with the druzynnyky.

In junatsvo we will have a junak and junatchka have a go in Pid Tabir Komanda on a daily basis.

The Komanda PidTaboriw should sleep in the camp with Junatstvo.


Stefan Romaniw - Komyndant
Wasyl Senko - Bunchuznij
Head Vychovnyky – Darka Senko and Tatiana Zachariak
Treasurer Paul Kaminsky
Komyndant Starshe Junatstvo – Slavko Duma
Kurinnij Bohdan Mykytiuk
Kurinna – Irka Kondarewycz
komyndant Molodshe Junatsvo – Teresa Jaworski
Kuszowyj – Mark Tkaczuk
Kuszowa – Marijka Papa
Komyndant/Vychovnyk Parents – Michael Moravski.
It was felt that this position was very important as it is these people who have most influence on the children and young people.

Komyndant – Volodya Perih?
Christina Moravski – Head Vychovnyk
Jurko Mencinsky - Vychovnyk
Marian Tkaczuk - Vychovnyk
Juliana Moravski( mentoring coordinator)
Stepan Duma
Lubomyr Lawriwsky
Laryssa Flunt

Natalka Ostrowska will coordinate the druzynnyky who have volunteered before camp. Need to all participate in all activitieseven if in Komanda for Druzynnyky.

Justin should have main responsibility for coordinating the play. However, this must not be an activity to absolve people from participating in everything else.

Petro Duma is booking the ropes course and will speak to them about white water rafting on the Goulburn.

Stefan Moskaliuk, Lubomyr Lavriwsky, Laryssa Flunt and Natalia Ostrowska will go and check out the area across the road from our camp for survivor tomorrow morning.

Need to check out duty of care, insurance, and do a risk assessment for survivor.

Check possibility of bus taking people to camp.

Some groups to get together before camp again to look at their part of the Prohrama.

A lot of people were keen to have the cleanliness issue tackled by oour old tradition of onion and broom and flag.

Tatiana Zachariak
0412301781 or

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