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Perth celebrates its 50th Anniversary!

CYM oseredok "Kruty" in Perth who this year is celebrating 50 years, began with a Reunion Bash which was held on Saturday 11th October at the new Ukrainian community hall "Broadway Function Centre" in Bassendean. The evening gave CYMivtsi the opportunity to gather together and reminisce about the good old days of our oseredok. Continuing on with the anniversary celebration on Sunday 19th November CYMivtsi gathered at the CYM oselya for "Svyato Muhayila" family fun day. It was great to see many yunatstvo, parents, grandparents and supporters of CYM come along and enjoy the day, which was glorious, and after lunch we held a Panahyda for all our past members who have departed and who put in a lot of work over the years in the development of our Oseredok. After all the formalities were over the yunatstvo enjoyed the afternoon of fun & games, the jumping castle was a great hit as well as the new air hockey and soccertable purchased for the oselya. Thank you to everyone who helped to organized both events.
Photos are coming soon!!!
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