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National Druzynnyk Conference – Adelaide, Australia


The Federal Executive of CYM Australia ran a National Druzynnyk’s Conference from the 18th through to the 20th of February 2005. The conference was skilfully hosted by the Adelaide Oseredok. In attendance were Druzynnyky from Perth, Geelong, Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. The conference was held in the parish hall of Saints Wolodomyr and Olga.

Friday night saw an emotional reunion of Druzynnyky from around Australia, some caught up with old friends where others made new friends.

Saturday morning’s session was opened with an Apel and an official address by Druh Wasyl Senko, President of the Federal Executive followed by prayers led by the parish priest Father Zenon Radsky. Father Radsky also gave his blessings for a successful conference. The day’s lectures included leadership, ideology, CYM knowledge and health.

The National Head Educator – Podruha Tatiana Zachariak with the assistance of Druh Peter Duma and Druh Mark Tkaczuk ran a session on Ideology and Values. The next session Druh Senko explained the differences between Nationalism, Communism, Patriotism and Chauvinism. Followed by Druh Stefan Romaniw who ran a session on Leadership in CYM and our community. Podruha Natalka Ostrowsky discussed the role a Druzynnyk and the various groupings of Druzynnyky. Podruha Nadia Garan presented how alcohol and drugs can affect you and your community.

 Druzynnyky engaged actively in all sessions with many questions and discussion. They all felt they had come away with new knowledge and that the conference was very worthwhile.

Sunday morning started with Mass followed by a tour of the Barossa Valley, this was a great day out with friends.


Back in Adelaide a CYM reunion was held for older Druzynyyky. This reunion was attended by about 30 CYMivtsi some who are still active and many who are no longer active. They all poured over old photos and reminisced over camps, zdyh’s and the hey day of CYM. One of the aims of the conference being held in Adelaide was to help revitalise the Adelaide oseredok and motivate more members to be active. On this Podruha Tetiana Zachariak and Druh Wasyl Senko addressed the group and stressed the importance of each individual doing a little so that the Oseredok would once again thrive for the enjoyment of their children and grandchildren. Druh Senko stressed that CYM provided an opportunity for children to learn and make lifelong friends. He informed the group that several Druzynnyky at the conference had expressed an interest in being involved in CYM and assisting in expanding the oseredok but they could not do this without the support of experienced members. He also spoke about CYM around the world and where oseredky were being established.


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