Sviato Heroiv
Queanbeyan, NSW 21st June, 2009
Since the formation of CYM in Queanbeyan over 51 years ago, our providnyky and parents understood the need to give honour to and commemorate the deeds of the heroes of our homeland, Ukraine. To honour these heroes, our Oseredok has taken an active part in these commemorations and especially Cvato Heroiv.
In 2009, Cvato Heroiv had a special significance, as we honoured the memory and deeds of an important Son of Ukraine, Stepan Bandera. The year 2009, commemorates 100 years since the birth of Stepan Bandera and 50 years since his death and 80 years since the formation of OUN.

On Sunday, 21 June 2009 the Ukrainian Hromada Queanbeyan with the assistance of CYM Canberra-Queanbeyan, Plast, Soyz Ukrainok and Ukrainian Kozaky organised Cvato Heroiv in memory of Stepan Bandera.
Cvato Heroiv was opened by Mr Spesyvy, President, Hromada Queanbeyan who extended a warm welcome to everyone and acknowledged the presence of Mr Mykola Dzhydzhora , Second Secretary, Embassy of Ukraine and Mrs Natalka Dzhydzhora, Father Oleh Stefanyshyn, Parish Priest, Parish of Saint Volodymyr Canberra – Queanbeyan and Imoct Natalka Stefanyshyn, and the Presidents of CYM, Plast, Council of Ukrainian Hromady NSW, Soyz Ukrainok and Ukrainian Kozaky.

Cvato Heroiv commenced with the carrying of the CYM and Plast Flags and the laying of wreaths. Dryh Andrij Duma was the CYM flag bearer and starshi yuntashky Natalka Lutak and Nadya Dzhydzhora laid the wreath; made and donated by Podryha Sophia Jacyszyn.

The stage was decorated with Ukrainian flags, a symbolic campfire, flowers and a large painting representing the graves of Ukrainian heroes, above which was a large Tryzyb. This painting was made and donated over 40 years ago by the late Dryh Ocup Petriwskyj – a former Holovny Vyxovnyk of our Oseredok.
Due to illness some CYM members were unable to take part, however our Oseredok took an active part in the commemorative service through:
? Carrying of the CYM Flag and laying of the wreath – Dryh Andrij Duma and starshi yuntashky Natalka Lutak and Nadya Dzhydzhora
? Poem – starsha yunatshka Nadya Dzhydzhora - Íà Cìåðòü Ïðîâ³äíèêà
? Poem – molodsha ynatshka Nina Dzhydzhora - Ãèì ÎÓÍ
? Song – Î, Óêðà¿íî - CYM members
? Poem – molodshy ynak Markian Stefanyshyn -  Ïîêë³í Còåïàíî³ Áàíäåð³
? Poem in English – Dryh Petro Lutak and starsha ynatshka Natalka Lutak - Ãåðîé Còåïàíà Áàíäåðà
? Keynote address – In Honour of Stepan Bandera Podryha Marusya Jacyshyn
? Song - Íåõàé Âîâ³êè Áóäå Cëàâà – CYM members
At the conclusion of the Cvato, we were able to meet over refreshments. The Yprava would like extend our appreciation to our CYM members and parents for their attendance.
As we are aware, Stepan Bandera died on 15 October 1959. As a continuing mark of respect, the CYM Yprava Canberra-Queanbeyan has arranged for a Mass and Panahydya on Sunday, 18 October 2009 in Saint Michael’s Ukrainian Church Queanbeyan to further honour the memory of Stepan Bandera.
Podryha Marusya Jacyshyn
Holova Oseredok CYM Canberra, Queanbeyan
More photos found in the Krajova Uprava Photo Gallery