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"Malanka" 2004 greeting

Dear Sumivtsi, Honored Guests, Gracious Debutantes, Escorts, and Parents:

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you at this year's traditional New Year's Ball "Malanka". and to thank you for electing to greet the New Year in this friendly and familial setting. For over fifty years Chicago's "sumivtsi" have used this means to celebrate the symbolic transition from the old year to the new year with their closest friends. So I encourage you all to participate in this time-honored ritual, and thus become a part of this "CYM" tradition. For many of you, this is not your first "Malanka", so I bid you a joyful evening, good conversation, and an opportunity to reconnect with old acquaintances. I'm especially pleased to greet those of you attending your first "Malanka". For you I also wish a good time and new and interesting friendships. I have no doubt that you will enjoy this wonderful evening, and that you will likely join the ranks of those who attend every year.

We bid a fond farewell to 2003, proud that we have progressed the activities of the American Ukrainian Youth Association to the benefit of its members, of the Chicago Ukrainian community, and of the Ukrainian nation. Foremost, we have continued our youth educational programs here in Chicago and through our summer camps, thanks to the dedication of many counselors, devoted parents, and selfless volunteers. Our cultural and sports programs were visible and successful, thanks to the directors, coaches. and, especially, the participants. In addition, this year, as in all past years, our Pavlushkov branch was prepared to answer any worthwhile request of the community, because we understand that our youth organization plays a key role in the community, and the vitality of the community is of utmost importance to us.

With joy and hope we welcome the New Year, 2004. We recognize that our work and our successes are dependent on the moral and financial support of our members and our benefactors, many of whom are present at today's "Malanka". Please accept our grateful acknowledgement of your past support, and please generously respond to our call for your continued good-will. One more indicator of the successes of the American Ukrainian Youth Association is this year's presentation of debutantes. These young ladies - "CYM" members - are preparing to become contributing members of American society and of the Ukrainian community. Today, as we greet them on the threshold of their adulthood, we wish them much success on this path. We wish to also take this opportunity to acknowledge and greet their parents, and to commend their considerate escorts for their sen. ice.

Please allow me, on behalf of the Executive Board of the Pavlushkov Branch of the American Ukrainian Youth Association in Chicago, to wish you all of the blessings of this holiday season. Our hope for you and your loved ones is that you enjoy health, good fortune, and well-being in the coming New Year, and for many more years to come! Hope to see you all again next year!

Taras Drozd President

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