National Committee AGM 2011
Saturday 2 April 2011 saw almost 60 delegates representing 12 branches gather in “Tarasivka” for the National Committee’s Plenum. This is the general meeting which takes place every two years in-between the normal AGM when members are voted onto the National Committee. The following branches were represented at this year’s meeting: Ashton, Bradford, Wolverhampton, Waltham Cross, Derby, Coventry, Leicester, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Rochdale and Stockport. Absent was Bolton.
The Plenum heard annual reports from the National Committee, the country club “Hospoda”, the Grievance Committee, the Audit Committee and reports from the various branches.
Four workshops were held during the course of the day, brainstorming various aspects of CYM activity – educational, organisational, druzhynnyk and CYMnet/publishing issues and activities – all of which generated lively debates amongst delegates.
Plenum delegates also formally endorsed the country club “Hospoda” committee.
London branch was singled out for its exemplary educational work, particularly its members’ tremendous efforts in fundraising for the new girls’ shower bloc in “Tararsivka”, and awarded the National Committee’s Flag for this year.