5 a side football competition 2011
This year's National 5-A-Side Football Tournament will take place in Bradford on Saturday 29th October 2011 and is certainly one not to be missed.
Teams from Bradford, Huddersfield, Nottingham, Edinburgh, Derby, Stockport and a UKSSC representative team will all be competing for the much coveted trophy.
The competition will take place at 5 Alive, York Street, Fairweather Green, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD8 0HR. Registration 12.30, Kick off 1pm. The competition, which is being organised by the Bradford CYM branch, is open to everyone over 16.
A hot meal will be available to all competitors after the tournament at the Ukrainian Club (169 Legrams Lane, Bradford, BD7 2EA) from apprx. 6:00pm followed by a zabava with The Ukrainians supported by Bootscrapers and our very own Fialka, doors open at 7.30pm. Tickets are available for the zabava to non competitors for £8 in advance or £10 on the door (http://www.wegottickets.com/event/126587) and food can be purchased throughout the evening.
The entry fee will be £95 per team (max 7 players), which will go towards covering the cost of hiring the hall, referees, snack, trophies and non-transferable entry to the zabava.
For further information please contact:
Ewhen Chymera on 07787449675 or e.chymera@hotmail.co.uk