Derby CYM AGM May 14th 2010
On 14th May 2010 the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Ukrainian Youth Association Derby Branch Committee
took place with 25 people in attendance.
The representative from Krayova Uprava (KY) was podruha Vicky Mulka
and the outgoing chairman druh Joseph Kupranec officially opened the AGM with a prayer and asked for proposals
for the AGM Presidium. The elected AGM chair was druh Markian Stasiw, elected secretary podruha Iryna Dobrowolska
and an elected third member was druh Zenon Finiw. Our local Parish priest otets Mykola Martyniuk was also invited
as a guest.
Seven members of the outgoing committee reported on the Oseredoks' achievements over the last year : Cultural Officer,
Education Officer, Sports Officer, Organising member's Officer, Branch Chairman and Chairman of the Audit sub-committee.
The Oseredok took part in all national & sports CYM events ; summer camps ; weekly dance rehearsals & CYM educational lessons
where 2 weeks previous 6 younger members passed their CYM exams ; Hoverla Ukrainian Dance Ensemble performed 38 times mainly for
the English public and abroad in Poland as well as for the Ukrainian communities locally and nationally;
The representative for KY podruha Vicky Mulka congratulated the Oseredok for the hard work carried out in
the previous year and praised the Oseredok for 6 younger members passing their CYM exams and obtaining very high scores.
She also recognised a lot of the children and parents take part in the summer camps and late summer Bazaar activities
and thanked those for all the preparation and support given before these events. After her speech she handed out the
CYM exam badges to the six younger members who passed with flying colours.
After passing the resolution of the outgoing Committee, the newly elected chairman was again druh Joseph Kupranec.
The following committee members were elected as follows : Iryna Dobrowolska, Lida Deremenda, Petro Kupranec, Markian Stasiw ,
Maria Stasiw , Chrystyna Borys, Roksiliana Borys , Anna Perehinec, Zenon Finiw & Andrij Kaminskij. Members of the Audit
sub-committee were elected as follow : Roman Surma (chair), Ivan Schumskij & Anna Horadczuk (members). The AGM was concluded
with the singing of the National anthem "Ukraine will never die".
(Branch Chairman)