National Doubles Pool Competition
28 March 2009, Tarasivka
A National Doubles Pool Competition will take place in Tarasivka on Saturday 28 March 2009 (at the same day as the Netball Competition). The competition is open to teams of “starshi” and “druzhynnyky”. Teams can be mixed. Registration at 10:00 with games scheduled to start at 10.30.
There is a charge of £15.00 (fifteen pounds) to enter each team (made up of 2 players), which will go towards covering the cost of hiring pool tables, buying trophies and money prizes. Food will be available for sale in the kitchen. Oseredky wishing to take part in the competition should get in touch with National Sports Officer Joe Kupranec (tel: 07966 127009 or email, no later than 14 March 2009 and send a cheque for the appropriate amount (made payable to Ukrainian Youth Association) to “Tarasivka”, Weston-on-Trent, Derby DE72 2BU.
Those wishing to stay until Sunday for the Shooting Competition can stay in the Sumeniata barrack: price £15 per room.