Druzynnyk Workshop
Please note that there is to be a Druzhynnyk Workshop on Sunday 4 October 2009 to be held at the AUGB Club in Leicester (2a Fosse Road South, Leicester LE3 0QD). The Workshop will include presentations by the Head of the World Committee druzhynnyk rep, Stepan Duma (from Australia), and member of the said Committee, Lida Yendriyevska (from Canada). Druzhynnyky will have the opportunity to learn more about the role of druzhynnyky, have a chance to hear from active druzhynnyky in the UK, help to plan future activities and learn more about using their work in CYM in applications and interviews for jobs and courses.
The day’s proposed programme is as follows:
9:30 Registration
10:00 What are druzhynnyky? How CYM still has a role today
11:00 Break
11:30 What is the actual role of druzhynyky?
13:00 Lunch
14:00 a. CYM at local and national level: tabir druzhynnykiv
b. Event planning
15:30 Break
16:00 a. You and CYM – what you can get out of it, how it can help you get a job, how you can get involved
b. Practical session: building your portfolio, job/college applications, CVs
17:30 End
In order to help with organisational issues (eg lunches, workshop materials, etc) please forward the names of all interested parties to Druzhynnyk Rep, Chrystyna Chymera by 26 September 2009 (tel 07734 393815 or email c.chymera@hotmail ). Though primarily aimed at druzhynnyky, we also welcome older yunatstvo from 16+ years of age. We would ask local committees to encourage their druzhynnyky to attend and if possible to organise transports (cars, mini-buses, etc).