XXXVI Annual General Meeting of the UYA in Great Britain
Tarasivka 12 April 2008 – On Saturday 12 April 2008 at the UYA site, “Tarasivka” the 36th Bi-annual general meeting of the Ukrainian Youth Association in Great Britain took place. Bohdan Prychidnyj was re-elected as the chairman of the national committee, which includes the following committee members: Peter Wintoniuk, Hanya Karpynec, Wolodymyr Karpynec, Halyna Karpynec, Maria Kopczyk, Joseph Kupranec, Wolodymyr Pawluk, Roman Panas, Martyn Chymera, Chrystyna Chymera, Wolodymyr Szlachetko and Hania Szlachetko. An Educator’s committee was also elected, consisting of Halya Warrington, Maria Dzula, Marian Kosmirak and Viktoria Mulka. The assignment of responsibilities will take place at the first meeting of the new committee which will take place during the next few weeks.
During the meeting, the chair of the national committee, Bohdan Prychidnij reported on the general activities of the UYA during 2007. During the meeting a number of commissions were set up to overview various aspects of UYA activities within Great Britain and made recommendations which were then accepted by the meeting’s delegates. Delegates took an active part in discussions, questions focussed on the activity of the UYA in Great Britain, amongst the topics discussed were the summer camps, regional and national rallies, educational work in branches, maintenance of Tarasivka, the magazine “Krylati”, uniforms and other matters.
During the meeting a number of written and oral greetings from various Ukrainian organisations, including Bishop Andriy of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, the exharchate admistrator of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church father Bohdan Lysykanych, Myroslava Pidhirna (chair of the World Committee of the Ukrainian Youth Association), Zenon Lastowetski (president of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain), the chaplain of the UYA in Great Britain, Father Davyd Senyk, and various National Committees of the UYA across the globe.
Before the official opening of the annual general meeting, to mark 60 years of the the UYA in Great Britain “Vhoru Prapory, Vhoru sertsya!” was sung whilst the flag of the national committee was brought into the hall. The Organisational bureau’s statement from 5th December 1948 about the creation of the Ukrainian Youth Association in Great Britain was read out. The chair of the national committee, Bohdan Prychidniy lit a candle for the memory of those who founded the organisation in GB, and asked everyone present to participate in a minute’s silence to pay respect for all the members of the organisation who had passed away during the last 60 years. A banquet is planned to celebrate 60 years of activity of the UYA in Britain on 25th October 2008 in Bradford.
During the meeting the audit committee was elected, (with Myron Pilak as the chair) and the Grievances committee (with Mykola Matviyvskiy as chair) and a committee for Hospoda (with Bohdan Naydan as the secretary), which is within Tarasivka
Towards the end of the meeting, which was conducted by the meeting chairman, Marian Kosmirak, the perehodovy prapor of the national committee was awarded to the Manchester Branch. A long list of members of the UYA were acknowledged for their contribution to the work of the UYA.