Information about the Holodomor Campaign Workshop
6 April 2008, Tarasivka
The event will start at 11.00 and will end no later than 16.00. The day will be divided into two halves. In the morning there will be some short presentations about the current politics of the Holodomor recognition (i.e. the British Government’s attitude to recognising the Holodomor as genocide); our short and long term objectives, strategy and workplan for the year will be set out. The AUGB has engaged a specialist communications company, 8HWE to help us raise awareness of the Holodomor and target our campaign in the most effective way. They will talk about our key messages and provide practical advice on how to engage with MPs, the media and other opinion-formers to gain maximum and active support. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and for discussion and debate.
After lunch, there will be an interactive training session, where people will be able to have a mock media interviews and practice meeting. This will give some practical experience on the difficulties of persuading unfriendly MPs. This will be followed by a feedback session. Information and briefing packs will be given out for everyone to take home.
The event isn’t about just being told what’s happening, it’s also an opportunity to practice your presentation skills that will be useful to people in their work and studies. The primary objectives of the day will be to make sure that everyone understands the main strands of activity for the campaign, particularly how local and other activities fit into the plan and to prepare people to enable then to contribute actively and effectively to raising awareness of the Holodomor and spreading our message as widely as possible. The event is open to everyone who wants to become involved with the campaign, whether or not they are members of any community organisation.
Holodomor Commemoration Committee