2008 – A year of remembrance
The President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, has
designated 2008 as the year of remembrance for the
innocent victims of Holodomor – the man-made famine
that claimed the lives of over 7 million Ukrainians between
1932-33. He has called on all nations of the world to
acknowledge the famine as an act of genocide against the
Ukrainian people – not for blame or revenge, but as a
‘resurrection of memory’ and an assertion of life.
During 2008, Ukrainians in Ukraine and the diaspora will
be organising events to remember the innocent victims of
Holodomor. Here in Great Britain, we will be playing our part. The Association of
Ukrainians, together with other community organisations including the UYA, will be co-ordinating a
programme of events throughout the year.
Dates for your diary
We will bring you regular news and updates through CYMnet about what
is planned and what you can do to help. As a first step, here are two dates for your
Sunday 6 April, Tarasivka: briefing on our objectives for 2008 and interactive
workshops on how to put across our key messages to politicians and opinion formers
most effectively. This event is open to everyone over 16 who is interested in
becoming involved in the Holodomor campaign.
Saturday 22 November, London: national commemoration of the 75th anniversary
of Holodomor – venue to be confirmed. We are aiming for a mass event which will
clearly show the strength of feeling and support for acknowledging Holodomor as
genocide, as well as remembering the