International Women Day 8th March
This wonderful celebration, as nature comes back to life, a celebration of spring, a celebration of women, a celebration for the beautiful half of mankind, a light which will always brighten the world, domestic warmth, family prosperity and the start of life.
8th March is an official holiday in Ukraine. This is one of the few days in the year when the male part of the population treat women perfectly: Bringing gifts of flowers and perfume, pouring compliments and uniquely some men even venture to cook. At times, such experiments end in disaster, which the women often spend the next day putting right while wishing there was a course they could send their beloved on such as "A guide to men's survival in the kitchen."
Some of you may say “I've never heard of such a holiday! Is this just an excuse for celebration and party!” For some mystical reason this celebration has not taken on a great significance in Great Britain, but in Ukraine it has become a central part of spring. How did International Women’s Day come about?
The roots of the festival began in 1854, when demonstrations opposing discrimination against women took place in the USA. In subsequent years further such demonstrations took place on this day. This tradition became fixed when 8 March was officially proclaimed International Women's Day. The initiatior of this decision was German revolutionist Clara Tsetcin, who in 1910 proposed this International Women’s Day be celbrated yearly.
Since then International Women’s Day has been celebrated in Ukraine, in 1965 it became an official holiday. Thus, this year on the occasion of celerbrating 8th March, the Ukrainian government has "gifted" a 4-day holiday. Consequently in the course of time this festival has lost its political meaning. It could be argued that it is one of the few holidays that isn’t either political or religious.
Not every Ukrainian will be able to tell you about the history of this holiday. For many it is simply celebrated and known as the Day of spring and the Day of Women. Therefore, let wonderful senses warm the hearts of all women. Let your fate be generously enriched by warmth and love, and may your heart be warmed by attention from your family and those close to you.
Happy International Women's Day, dear ladies!
Written by Yuliya Chymera Translated by Martyn Chymera