Regional Conference and Working Session
for Ukrainian Youth Association Educators and Organisers
Northern Region – Bradford 4th March 2007
On Sunday 4th March 2007 19 Ukrainian Youth Association Educators and Organisers gathered in Bradford for a conference and work session. 13 educators from three branches, Bradford, Manchester and Bolton, the chairman of the Bradford branch, Andriy Demchuk and 4 members of the National Committee, Genia Mandzij (Chair of the Educators board), Hania Szlachetko (member of the education board), Volodymyr Szlachetko (vice chairman) and Martyn Chymera (CYMnet representative) and guest Yuliya Chymera.
Every delegate received a “welcome pack” upon registration with a programme, and information about the conference and work session, delegates added material to the packs during the day.
At the start of the conference each delegate introduced themselves and described their role within their branch. To create a relaxed atmosphere this was followed by an ice breaker.
Hania Szlachetko gave a presentation on the resources available on CYMnet, particularly how to find materials and prepare lessons, focussing on the newly developed Canadian Educator pages. Genia Mandzij distributed a CD with various educational materials from the recent UYA World Conference for Educators and reviewed some of the materials; this was followed by a discussion session. Hania Szlachetko prepared handouts of the main materials for the delegates.
Yuliya Chymera presented lecture including a short film on the Great Famine of 1932-33 (Holodomor). This material presented is suitable for use within branches and during summer camps to educate older youths on the horrors of Ukraine's darkest years.
During the delicious lunch, prepared by members of the Bradford branch, delegates were able to discuss education within their branches and share ideas.
Genia Mandzij then presented other educational materials from the Canadian program “Zapysyh Moyih Osyahiv”. Methods of assessment were discussed including continous assessment, examinations and portfolios, as well as discussing excercises for the preparation of Ukrainian Youth Association examination.
After a discussion session, participants divided into groups for a practical session, on the preparation of materials for branch and summer camp lessons, including the Holodomor, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Taras Chuprynka, Mykola Pavlushkov and Mykola Lysenko. The members of the education board had gathered materials from various sources. All the groups work hard for an hour with high levels of creative energy to produce new ideas and materials.
At the end of the work session a questionnaire was distributed, allowing delegates to express their opinions about the conference and work session. The review was very positive, indicating the delegates found the event extremely benificial.
The Bradford branch deserves gratitude for their excellent hospitality, and their facilities which allowed the event to take place successfully.
The organisers a very greatful for the local branch of the AUGB (the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain) for the use of their facilities.
Written by Genia Mandzij Translated by Martyn Chymera