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This site in Ukrainian CYMnet seminar

CYMnet seminar On Sunday 18 February 2007 a CYMnet seminar took place aimed at familiarising members of the Ukrainian Youth Association in Great Britain with the main principles of the workings of CYMnet as well as expanding current and creating new Branch sites/web pages. The seminar took place within the hospitable walls of the Manchester Branch of the Association of Ukrainians in GB. The seminar was attended by representatives from the following branches: Bradford, Manchester, Stockport, London, Coventry and Derby. In total 14 UYA members from various parts of the country attended the seminar organised by the National Executive UYA in GB. The seminar concentrated on creating and operating/using web pages on CYMnet.

The CYMnet seminar was made up of theory and practical sessions. Druh Volodymyr Szlachetko opened the proceedings by welcoming all those present and thanking the local branches of AUGB and UYA for allowing the seminar to be held in Manchester, for the use of their facilities and their assistance in preparing the event. Thereafter V. Szlachetko electronically presented the history of CYMnet, so that the delegates present had an understanding as to when CYMnet started and who were the principle people behind todays CYMnet.

The history of CYMnet The theory behind CYMnet was mainly presented by Martyn Chymera so that beginners and experienced webmasters had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the structure of CYMnet, the basics of HTML, ASP templates. This allowed everyone to understand how the system works and what all those strange words actually meant in the progressive world of the internet, web design and CYMnet generally.

We are talking about images An important aspect in the workings of CYMnet are pictures and photographs, so that ordinary users of the internet had a visual presentation of events. Roman Conrad gave a basic format of web pages and how to reduce the size of existing pictures.

How to put a news item on CYMnet? Thereafter basic aspects on how to put news items on CYMnet in stages were looked at. Armed with all this new found information and enthusiasm delegates started the practical aspects of the seminar, which allowed everyone to put the theory they had just learned into practice. After a few minor technical problems ( as they say: despite one's best efforts the results always turn out the same) and a long practical session, delegates of the seminar learned how to work within the framework of CYMnet in the role of webmaster and created their own branch web sites/pages. The work of the webmaster - is difficult and precise, but it goes without saying will pay for itself in the future/long term.

Everyone working hard It is hoped that the new found enthusiasm of the delegates at the seminar and knowledge gained will hold them in good stead in creating new and improving established existing branch web pages/sites.

We thank everybody for their help and cooperation.

We all look forward to seeing the appearance of new CYM web pages/sites. Good luck to all our new webmasters!

Written by Yuliya Chymera
Translated by Volodymyr Szlachetko

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