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This site in Ukrainian New Year Celebrations

New Year is associated with something white and fairy-tale like. Although white winters are rarely experienced in Great Britain the festive mood is not lost. It is often said that the way you greet the New Year will influence how you experience the whole year. The National Committee of the Ukrainian Youth Assoication in Great Britain wishes everyone a Happy New Year.

Year of the pig 2007 is the year of the Pig in the Chinese calander. According to legend, the pig was the last of the guests to join the New year celebrations, therefore every 12-years cycle of Chinese calendar is completed by the year of Red Fiery Pig. The year of the pig is important to Ukrainians especially as salo (belly pork) is considered a national dish, so next year will be special for Ukrainians. To enusre that the pig will be good to you and that no-one will act as a pig towards you, its necessary to be good to the pig.

Here a few useful tips for the celebration of a New Year.

For the New Year to be fairy-tale like, pleasant and non difficult, it is best to greet the Year of Pig at guests, in a club or anywhere away from home.

The main colours of the year of the Pig are red and orange. It is best to meet the New year the best warm spring-autumn shades: pink, red, burgundy or yellow.

At exactly midnight children should climb under the table and snort, adults can also join in. The grunting is heard by evil spirits, the more grunting they hear, the less they will desire to be present in your home.

Since ancient times many beliefs about new year prospects have been passed down the generations. Believe them or not, its upto you to decide.

The more stars in the sky, the better the harvest will be.

Clouds going against the wind mean there will be lots of snow fall

If you greet the new year wearing something new, you will walk all year in new clothing.

If you give someone money before the new year, you will spend the whole year giving money away.

During the new year celebrations, sneezing will bring a happy year. It is said that for men, for every sneeze a woman will fall for him.

Meeting the new year in new under-garments will help keep illness away. Under-garments are an ideal present for family members.

Did Moroz It would be nice to greet the New Year in the Ukrainian traditional way; greeting the New Year with a festive table with traditional new-year salads and dishes. In Ukraine the Old Year seen out at around 23.00, the President greets the new-year with a midnight speech, after this bottles of champagne are opened. The lucky ones may have been visited by Did Moroz (Grandpa Frost) and the Snihurochka (Snow Maiden) (this new year characters were introduced to Ukraine during Soviet times and are still popular in Ukraine) who leave presents under Christmas trees.

Ukrainians in Great Britain continue the celebrations, keeping to the traditions, gathering in Ukrainian social clubs to greet the new year. Many Ukrainian clubs have zabava’s to greet the new year. Many Ukrainians in Britain watch broadcasts of the new year celebrations from Ukraine including the presidents speech, before continuing there own celebrations.

The National Committee of the Ukrainian Youth Association in Great Britain wishes everyone a happy new year. May the New year bring you 365 successful days and great times. We hope that warmth and happiness settle in your home during 2007! May this years problems remain in the past, may your work, your acitivity in the Ukrainian community, your relaxation and your family be full of joy. Happy New Year!

Written by Yuliya Chymera
Translated by Martyn Chymera

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