The rules are as follows:
Each team in the younger children section will have teams of 6,
for older children (12 -17) each team will be comprised of 5 players
(plus 2 players maximum, in reserve)
Registration is at 10:00 am, the competition official start time is 10:30
Costs: for every team entered an entrance fee of £30 is required.
This covers the cost of meals for every entrant, medals and trophies.
Could all interested oseredky register their teams and send the appropriate
payment to our sports co-ordinator, Joseph Kupranec, no later than the
5th May 2002.
There are also plans to hire a bouncy castle and slide. Refreshments will
also be served during the day. All CYM members are welcomed to participate
and enjoy the day.
National Committee CYM in Great Britain