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National Committee Plenum CYM Great Britain

The National Committee Plenum will be held in Tarasivka on the 21st April 2001. The general programme for the day is as follows:

  • 9:30 Registration of delegates
  • 10:30 Moleben (prayers)
  • 11:00 Start of deliberations
  • 14:00 Lunch break
  • 14:45 Continuation of deliberations

Notes to Plenum:
(a) Please ensure that all delegates arrive no later than 10:30am. Moleben is the official start of Plenum;

(b) Only delegates elected at their local AGMs are entitled to vote. Each delegate represents 20 members of their Oseredok. The Head (holova) of the Oseredok is automatically a delegate. Local Branches, which have not managed to hold their AGM prior to Plenum, can only be represented by their Head (holova). Non-delegates can take part in discussions and are particularly welcome in the Working Groups Session;

(c) As always , the National Committee will use the occasion to honour those CYM members who have been recommended by their Branch Committees for outstanding work within their Oseredok. Such recommendations should be sent in writing to the National Office, Tarasivka no later than the 10th April 2001, stating that what the said person is being recommended for and why;

(d) During the Plenum there are to be three working sessions:

(i) Continuous assessment: new approach to ispyty At the XV World CYM Congress in Toronto a start was made on introducing a new system of awarding badges to yunatsvo. A system of continuous assessment backed up by an optional exam (ispyt) is being proposed. A record of achievement is about to be trialled in some of our oseredky. First impressions will be discussed.

(ii) The future of CYM summer camps in Great Britain
Last year we saw a shortage of educators to help lead the camp programme. This is not the first time this has happened. How do we ensure that enough that we can attract enough people to help ensure that future camps continue in their place?

(iii) The CYM uniform: do we need to change it?
We often hear complaints that our CYM uniform is dated and needs to be to be changed and needs to be changed. But is there really such a demand? And if there is, what should replace it? How do we ensure that any new uniform will be acceptable to CYM members in every country? All delegates and guests will be asked to sign up for one of the above working sessions. Please ensure that your oseredok is represented in all the sessions: don't all sign up for the same group!

(e) Unfortunately, there will be no zabava in the evening

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