CYM National Rally - Krayovyi Zdvyh
On Saturday 2nd July 2005, the Krayovyi Zdvyh took place in Tarasivka, under this year's haslo - "I Believe! I Know! We Can!"
The official and religious ceremonies took place outdoors, at the chapel. Following successes at the Okruzhnyi Zdvyh, North, in June, Oseredok Bradford was represented nine times in the competition, which took place throughout the afternoon.
Sumenyata (under 7 years): J. Gawlyk "Who Am I?"
Molodshi (7-12 years): S. Rewilak "A Prayer to Saint Volodymyr"
Starshi (13-17 years): P. Chymera "The Ukrainian Army"
Druzhynnyky/ Senyori (18 upwards): M. Lee "Song About A Hero"
Musical Acts
Molodshi (7-12 years): "A Song About Friends"
Starshi (13-17 years): "Together We Are Many" ("Razom Nas Bahato")
Starshi (13-17 years; septet): "By The River"
Starshi/Druzhynnyky: "Rosty, Rosty Cheremshyno"
Starshi (13-17 years; quartet): "Hutsulka"
Many thanks to all the vykhovnyky and individuals who helped prepare the sumivti for the Zdvyh. Oseredok Bradford returned with seven first place trophies.
A great effort from everybody who participated in the Krayovyi Zdvyh this year!