Remebering Taras Shevchenko
Oseredok CYM in Bradford endeavours to educate its sumivti through novel and interesting activities. With the anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko approaching (9th March 1814), as part of its educational program, CYM held a session with its youth members about the life and works of our great Ukrainian poet. This was done in the form of a game, which can be found on CYMnet.
The sumivti were divided into four teams of mixed ages. Around the hall were situated five stations. Four of these were places where Shevchenko had spent periods of his life: Morynti, Kyrilivka, St. Petersburgh and Kiev. The 5th station was dedicated to objects about Shevchenko - books about his life, portraits, paintings and a miniature wooden replica of his house.
Each team had to visit all the stations in turn, where they answered questions about Shevchenko. The range of questions ensured all sumivti, sumenyata included, could actively participate in the exercise.
At the end of the game, the points were totalled. The winners were announced as the team "Zapovit."
In addition to the game, depending on their ages, the sumivti had to either
draw a picture or write their own poem about Taras Shevchenko. The entries were
judged by the vykhovnyky and prizes will be awarded shortly afterwards to the
The sumivti enjoyed this exercise and it is hoped that they furthered their knowledge about the life and works of Taras Shevchenko.