Okruzhnyj Zdvych
The Okruzhnyj Zdvych for oseredki in the "northern region" took place on a warm and sunny Saturday afternoon on the 9 June. Oseredki from Ashton, Bolton, Manchester, Rochdale and Stockport from Lancashire together with our own oseredok took part in the zdvych.
The official stage of the zdvych began by Druh Petro Rewko from Ashton inviting the parish priest from Bradford, Rev. Father Ivo Chomiak, to lead prayers with a moleben followed by a starsha yunachka from Bradford reading the "Sviatochnyj Nakaz" from Krajova Yprava. The official stage was concluded by a defeliada at which each oserdeok marched passed invited guests.
Following the official stage, the competition and concert began and was hosted by Podruha Yulia Chymera. In the competition, sumivtsi from Bradford took part in most categories with starsha yunachka reciting "In the First Year", female octet of
druzhynnyky singing "Odna Kalyna" and the mixed group of sumenyata and starshe yunatstvo singing " Monday Morning" all acheiving first places and will now go forward to represent the oseredok at the Krajovyj Zdvych on Saturday 7 July.