Easter Traditions in Bradford
Each year as Easter approaches, CYM in Bradford takes the opportunity to educate its sumivti and sumenyata in the many traditional activites associated with this season. One of the most enjoyable of these customs is the making of pysanky. Pysanky are eggs decorated with patterns and colours, using wax and dyes. Sumivti then put their pysanky into their family baskets along with the offerings of paska, eggs, ham, sausage, salt, butter, cheese and horseradish, which are blessed on Easter Saturday and eaten on Easter Sunday morning.
Veneration of the Holy Shroud, the Plaschanytsia, is carried out from Good Friday to the Resurrection Mass late on Easter Saturday evening. Sumivti take it in turns in their CYM uniforms to keep vigil at the Plaschanytsia at the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Bradford.
During CYM lesson times, sumivti have for several years practised hahilky - springtime dances. On Easter Sunday, 11th April, they performed hahilky outside the church for the Bradford community to enjoy.