CYM Sports Day - Bradford v Derby
On Saturday 4th October, our oseredok hosted a Sports Day for sumivti from Bradford and Derby. The event was held at the Ukrainian Club in Bradford and activities ran concurrently throughout the afternoon, ensuring there was something for everyone to get involved in, from sumenyata to senyori.
The program and results were as follows:
Molodshi (aged 7-12) Bradford 3 Derby 2
Starshi (aged 13-17) Bradford 8 Derby 2
Druzhynnyky/ Senyori (aged 18+) Bradford 4 Derby 2
Mixed Bradford 10 Derby 4
Sumenyata/ Molodshi (aged 4-12) Bradford 2 Derby 8
Sumenyata/ Molodshi (aged 4-12) Bradford 2 Derby 8
Molodshi (aged 7-12) Winners: Derby
Starshi (aged 13-17) Winners: Bradford
Druzhynnyky/ Senyori (aged 18+) Winners: Bradford
Molodshi (aged 7-12) Winners: Bradford
Starshi (aged 13-17) Winners: Derby
Druzhynnyky/ Senyori (aged 18+) Winners: Bradford
Table Tennis
Molodshi (aged 7-12) Winners: Derby
Starshi (aged 13-17) Winners: Bradford
Druzhynnyky/ Senyori (aged 18+) Winners: Bradford
After the activities tea was served. The dance troupe from Derby performed several traditional Ukrainian dances to entertain the Bradford audience and the evening ended with a disco.
This is the third Sports Day held between Bradford and Derby over the last few years and we look forward to more in the future. We would like to thank Derby for making the journey to Bradford, as well as podruha Lucia Bowes, Director of Sports at Bradford, who organised the event, and all individuals who participated in and assisted throughout the day.