CYM Regional Rally - Okruzhnyi Zdvyh
On Sunday 12th June 2005, the first CYM Regional Rally, Northern Section, "Okruzhnyi Zdvyh, Pivnich", took place in Bradford, under this year's haslo - "I Believe! I Know! We Can!". Sumivti from the north of England took part in the Zdvyh - oseredky Ashton, Bolton, Bradford, Manchester, Rochdale and Stockport.
The religious and official ceremonies, led by druh P. Revko from Ashton, took place in the gardens of the Ukrainian Centre in Bradford. A short mass was conducted by the Reverend Father Ivo Komyak of Bradford. Podruha Natalka Pilak, of Bradford, read the CYM Order for 2005. Druh Bohdan Pryhidnij, Holova of Krayova Uprava, then addressed the sumivti and the audience, and then each oseredok in turn marched before the delegation.
The competition took place after the official proceedings. Sumivti from all the oseredky took part in a concert filled with poetry, singing, dancing and musical renditions. Oseredok Bradford was particularly successful in the categories of poetry recitals and singing, achieving first place and thus progressing to the National Rally in Tarasivka in July.
Thanks go to all who took part and assisted in this first Okruzhnyi Zdvyh Northern Section - sumivti from all regions, the Okruzhna Uprava (regional committee) and the community in Bradford.