CYM Regional Rally "East" - Okruzhnyi Zdvyh, Zhid
On Sunday 22nd June 2003, the Okruzhnyi Zdvyh, Zhid, took place in Bradford, under this year's haslo - "Contra spem spero!", translated as "hope against all hope!"
The day began traditionally with Mass at the Ukrainian Catholic Church, where sumivti and their vykhovnyky partook in the service in their CYM uniforms.
The official ceremony of the Zdvyh took place in the gardens of the Ukrainian Club in Bradford. This year's participants in the Zdvyh were Oseredok Bradford and Oseredok Carlisle. Head of Okruha, druh Wolodymyr Szclahetko lead the proceedings and invited older sumivech, druh Mark Danylczuk, from Bradford, to read the CYM Order for 2003. Druh Joe Kupranich, the representative from Krayova Uprava, then addressed the sumivti and the local community.
Unfortunately, of all the North-Eastern oseredky, only Bradford took part in the competition this year. Two of Bradford's sumivchi excelled in solo performances - young sumivka, Katherine Lee recited Lesia Ukrainka's poem "Nadia" (translated as "Hope") and older sumivka Katrusia Prodywus sang "Vodohraj" (translated as "Waterfall"). Both gained 1st place in their categories. Well done, ladies!
Oseredok Bradford also entered two mixed (boys and girls) youth choirs, performed vilnoruchny vpravy and entered four Ukrainian folk dances - one in each age category (aged 7-12, 13-17, 18 upwards) and a quartet of older male sumivchi. Each entrant gained 1st place and has progressed to the Krayovyi Zdvyh (National Rally) in Tarasivka in July.