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Krayoviyj Zdvych
Krayoviyj Zdvych Festive Concert

Unlike the Krayoviyj Zdvych's of recent years, the National Committee elected that every oseredok in GB would participate in this years 60th National Rally, ensuring that the towns and cities where the Ukrainian Youth Association currently exists and has active members, would be able to participate in the festive concert. Each oseredok was instructed that it had a maximum of 20 minutes in order to equitably divide the time amongst all oseredky, however, what it performed in its allocation was at its discretion.

Bradford has always taken part in the Krayoviyj Zdvych and sumivtsi from sumenyata to dryzhiniky have represented the oseredok down the years in all competitions including recital of poems, singing and dancing and it was decided that to mark this special celebration, the oseredok would incorporate all of these items within the time allowed, with the very youngest through to the very oldest sumivecz being involved.

Following very good performances from other oseredky, Bradford's turn followed oseredok Ashton that had performed two dances including a "zaporozecz" dance performed by starshi and dryzhiniky which the entire audience in the marque enjoyed. The musicians that have performed and supported the various dance groups in Bradford for many years some of who's own children are now sumenyata and molodshe yunatstvo, were set up as was podruha Halyna Zamulinska ,that had helped the oseredok with its preparations.

The musicians and choir master before the start of the Bradford's performance

The musicians before the start of the Bradford's performance

Starshi yunachku entered the stage from left and right followed by the oldest sumivecz in the Oseredok, Senior Druh Hryhoriyj Melnyczuk, who over the years has devoted many years teaching and polishing the performances of sumivtsi followed by molodshi and starshi yunaku.

Starhsa yunachka with the oseredok moments before starting the performance

Starshi yunchku at the start of Bradford's performance

Senior Druh Hryhoriyj Melnyczuk recited the poem "Hordo neshim nashy slavy" that concluded with a "Czesht Ukraini!" that the yunaku replied with a thunderous "Hotow Boronytu!"

Senior Druh Hryhoriyj Melnyczuk

Senior Druh Hryhoriyj Melnyczuk with molodshi and starshi yunaku

Following Druh Melnyzcuk's poem, the female choir of starshi and dryzhiniky came on stage and sing the beautiful "Wodohrayj".

Starshi and dryzhiniky choir

Starshi and dryzhiniky choir

Molodshi and starshi yunaku were next on stage holding Ukrainian national flags followed by a molodshiyj yunak who recited the poem "Who I am". The young yunak recited the poem perfectly and wasn't put off by the vast number of people in the audience who gave him a well deserved round of applause when he had finished.

Molodshiyj yunak reciting 'Who I am'

Molodshi and starshi yunaku

The next act on stage saw all the oseredok's dancing groups from sumenyata through to dryzhiniky take part in a binding of different dances or "Viazanka".

Dryzhiniky were first on stage and after various solos and duets, they were joined by molodshi yunaku each performing a solo that the audience loved and applauded raptuously. The next group to join the dancers on stage was the starshi yunachku and after a short dance and solos, sumenyata came on stage to complete the troupe and after the finale, the whole troupe was given a tremendous round of applause.

Dryzhiniki, Starshi, Molodshi and Symenyata of the ensemble Krilati

Dryzhiniki, Starshi, Molodshi and Symenyata of the ensemble Krilati

Dryzhiniki, Starshi, Molodshi and Symenyata of the ensemble Krilati

Dryzhiniki, Starshi, Molodshi and Symenyata of the ensemble Krilati

Dryzhiniki, Starshi, Molodshi and Symenyata of the ensemble Krilati

Dryzhiniki, Starshi, Molodshi and Symenyata of the ensemble Krilati

Dryzhiniki, Starshi, Molodshi and Symenyata of the ensemble Krilati

Dryzhiniki, Starshi, Molodshi and Symenyata of the ensemble Krilati

Dryzhiniki, Starshi, Molodshi and Symenyata of the ensemble Krilati

Dryzhiniki, Starshi, Molodshi and Symenyata of the ensemble Krilati

Dryzhiniki, Starshi, Molodshi and Symenyata of the ensemble Krilati

Dryzhiniki, Starshi, Molodshi and Symenyata of the ensemble Krilati

Symenyatka perfoms the Vyazanka

Symenyatko performing at his first Zdvyh

After the dancers filed off stage, it was announced the next act was another poem to be recited by Druh Stepan Karpenets. An hilarious and highly entertaining recitation then followed where Druh Karpenets appeared not to rememeber what it was he was supposed to remember...

Symenyatko performing at his first Zdvyh

Symenyatko performing at his first Zdvyh

Symenyatko performing at his first Zdvyh

The Bradford contribution eneded with the the whole Oseredok together singing 'Ykraina'

Symenyatko performing at his first Zdvyh

Symenyatko performing at his first Zdvyh

Symenyatko performing at his first Zdvyh

Symenyatko performing at his first Zdvyh

Symenyatko performing at his first Zdvyh

Symenyatko performing at his first Zdvyh

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