30th June 1941 -
Proclamation of the Re-establishment of Ukrainian Independence
The Proclamation of the Re-establishment of Ukrainian Independence, in Lviv on 30th June 1941, took place in response to the threats of Nazi Occupation and Russian Communism. During 1939-1941, Moscow was allied with Nazi Germany. Ukraine, along with its repressed neighbours in the USSR, was left to fight against these two forces.
Head of the new Ukrainian Government, Yaroslaw Stetsko, was subsequently arrested and imprisoned by the Gestapo, for the Proclamation and for his refusal to retract it. In response, the Ukrainian people organised an underground army - the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). UPA, under its Commander-in-Chief General Roman Shuchewych (Taras Chuprynka), fought both these forces in an uneven struggle, which continued into 1950s.
Oseredok CYM in Bradford took the name of "30th June 1941". On Sunday 29th June 2003 at 12.30pm at the Ukrainian Club in Bradford, all members of Oseredok CYM in Bradford and the local Ukrainian community held a commemoration marking the 62nd anniversary of the Proclamation of the Re-establishment of Ukrainian Independence. The Deputy Leader of CYM in Bradford, podruha Hania Sczlahetko opened the event by reading the Act from 1941, and then Druh Martin Favel recited a poem entitled "30th June 1941" (written by Leonid Poltava). The singing of the Ukrainian National Anthem closed proceedings.