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Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada
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CYM Canada held its AGM-Plenum in Calgary, Alberta, on February 17-19, 2012 at the Ukrainian Youth Center of the Calgary Branch, 46 delegates and one guest represented the following ten branches: Winnipeg, Hamilton, Edmonton, Etobicoke, Calgary, Mississauga, Montreal, Ottawa, St. Catharines, Toronto.

The AGM was opened with a prayer and a moment of silence in memory of those members who had passed away in the last year. In her greetings, National President, Olyana Grod also explained that this year’s motto for CYM, chosen by the World Executive of CYM, is directly related to the 70th anniversary of UPA and the UPA song “Awaken Ukraine!”

The AGM was presided by chairperson Harry Nesmasznyj (Toronto), vice-chairperson Christine Czoli (Etobicoke), and recording secretaries Andrijko Semaniuk (Winnipeg) and Marta Melysh (Calgary).

The first part of the Plenary session consisted of a National Executive report for the second year of a three-year term as presented by President Olyana Grod, followed by the financial report, the Charitable Trust and Galandiuk Fund reports, all presented by the Executive Director, Harry Nesmasznyj. Christine Choly read the reports submitted by the Disciplinary and Audit Committees.

The second part of the Plenary session consisted of several presentations. Vice-president Tamara Tataryn familiarized delegates with the various “CYMwear” items for sale. Treasurer John Koshyk presented the latest information regarding the renovation and expansion plans for camp “Weselka.” The basis for these plans were the result of a $407,000 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation on a ‘matching fund basis’. As a result, the membership overwhelmingly approved the launch of a major fundraising campaign to not only build the kitchen, but complete other capital projects. The fundraising target for the campaign is $500,000.

Following the conclusion of the first day, everyone was able to relax and mingle at a casual reception hosted by CYM Calgary.

The next day, Saturday, began with group photos followed by 2 parallel sessions: the educational session, where the practical collection of materials, themes and camp programs were discussed; and the financial session, where the budget, the lottery and future fundraising plans were discussed. The Druzhynnyk (adult membership) session tackled the problem of declining membership with some solid proposals.

After lunch, Irene Jendzjowsky lead a joint session in presenting the changes proposed for volunteer recognition, namely the new long-term service award, “Kamenyar”, and the highest-ranking member achievements, “Lytsar” and “Vytyaz.”

The second day concluded with another parallel set of sessions consisting of the continuation of the educational session, as well as the communications session. Adriana Buyniak-Willson presented an analysis of the different forms of communication used by the branches and how to improve upon them.

In the evening, the delegates were among over 200 who attended a banquet, performance, silent auction and dance called “Zapusty” to bid farewell to winter.

On Sunday, February 19, the delegates started off their morning with Divine Liturgy at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish. Parish priest and CYM chaplain, Father Serhiy Harahuc warmly welcomed all the delegates and wished everyone continued success.

The final part of the AGM program included a joint session to discuss and plan the 65th anniversary of CYM in Canada for 2013, as well as the presentation of the various session work plans (educational, communications, financial, adult membership and budget) and the adoption of the budgets.

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