The Winnipeg Branch of the Ukrainian Youth Association (U.Y.A.) is
named after Oleksa Hasyn-Lytsar, Colonel of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.
The founding meeting for the creation of the Winnipeg Branch of U.Y.A. took place on April 16, 1949. Approximately 150 young people participated, primarily former members of U.Y.A. who had arrived in Canada from Europe. S. Romaniw was elected first president of the U.Y.A. board. It was also decided to publish an information bulletin "U.Y.A. News", the first issue of which was published on April 24.
At first, the U.Y.A. Branch of Winnipeg held its meetings at the premises of the Ridna Shkola of Markian Shashkewych. In a short time, however, on the invitation of the president of the Canadian Ukrainian Institute "Prosvita", the Branch moved its headquarters to that institution, where it has remained to this day.
In 1951, a children's section was formed and the primary concentration of the Branch became to educate new generations of Ukrainian-Canadian children and youth.