Weselka 50 Committee – UYA Canada
The Weselka 50 Committee, comprised of brave CYM members from across Ontario and enthusiastic CYM Alumni, was created in the summer of 2003 by the UYA - National Executive of Canada to start planning Weselka’s 50th Anniversary Reunion Celebration.
The committee is comprised of the following members:
- Marusia Wowk – Chair
- Eerka Shust
- Sonia Bien
- Roman Medyk
- Nadia Tataryn
- Paul Woloszansky
- Vlodko Hrona
- Adriana Narozniak
- Orest Teply
- Adrian Kostruba
- Petro Czolij
- Ivan Hontar
- Olia Kalymon
- Olia Bodnaruk
- Lida Bendiuha
- Roman Bonk