Welcome to official website of the Ukrainian Youth Association in Canberra-Queanbeyan under the patronage of Colonel Yevhen Konovalets.
News and Upcoming Events
Oseredok Happenings
It seems to have been a very long time since we last met! Hopak in the Park in Melbourne was a great success and some of our CYMivtsi from Canberra-Queanbeyan were able to go along and enjoy the weekend. We also held our gathering at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve on the Anzac Day public holiday and d.Andrij should have photos and information about our Oseredok happenings up on our CYMNet site in the near future for you all to see.
The Parish's Spilne Sviatchyne was a roaring success last weekend with the hall at YKO Lyneham packed to the rafters with many parishioners and their families. The choir sang in church that morning and the children of our parish had the opportunity to participate in the Easter games, or hailky, run by O.Andrij and the nuns from Sydney.
CYM World Congress, Palatine (Chicago), Il., May 2011
CYM's World Congress has recently finished. From all accounts, it was an amazing gathering. We had a number of delegates attend from Australia - Sydney, Melbourne, and Geelong Oseredky were represented. We were able to share our new draft CYM curriculum with our druzi and podryhy from the rest of the world, and an official worldwide uniform for sumenyata was approved (amongst many other decisions made).
Congratulations go to our current Holova CYM Australia, Petro Duma, who is now Holova CYM Worldwide! He will hold this position until 2016.
For further details about the new World committee and other Congress happenings, visit our CYMNet page at: www.cym.org
Sunday 5 June:
Sadly, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have had to postpone our reunion weekend with the CYMivtsi from Sydney Oseredok for this weekend (as advertised in our last email).
Our Persha Nedilya will take place as usual at YKO Lyneham: 9:30am Apel and lessons, 11am Mass.
CYM Canberra-Queanbeyan will be taking part in Hromada Queanbeyan's Svyato Heroiv concert in Queanbeyan that afternoon at 2pm (time to be confirmed). Donations are taken at the door. All CYMivtsi and their family and friends are encouraged to come along and support this important event in our community.
Sunday 3 July: Persha Nedilya, YKO Lyneham
Friday 8 July: last day of Term 2 (ACT) - CYM school holiday outing to be advised
National Zyizd of CYM Australia
This Zyizd has been scheduled for 8/9 October 2011 in Melbourne. Further information will coming shortly.
TABIR 2011/12
The highlight of our CYM year is to gather with our friends from other Oseredky for our summer tabory.
I have information about Melbourne's 2011/12 tabir, once again to take place at the lovely Phillip Island YMCA campground Tuesday 27 Dec 2011 - Wed 4 Jan, 2012. If you're interested in finding out more about this particular tabir (last year's was awesome!), please contact me and I can forward it on. Downpayments for this tabir are due JULY 1st.
d.Andrij Lech, Holova CYM Melbourne, is also more than happy to add CYM Canberra-Queanbeyan members to their mailing list if they are interested in activities happening in Melbourne. Please let me know and I can forward your email address to him.
As information from other Oseredky comes to hand about their summer tabory we will forward it on to you.
Upcoming Events
Friday April 15: end of Term 2 (ACT schools).
Sat April 16 – Sunday May 1: ACT school holidays.
Tuesday April 26 (ANZAC DAY public holiday): There will be a small walk and picnic held at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve for our children and all members, family and friends of our Oseredok who are able to join us during this time. Everyone is to meet in the Nature Reserve Carpark no later than 10am. Another email will be sent out shortly with further details.
Sunday May 1: Apel and lessons will not be held this month to give everyone an opportunity to attend 'Hopak in the Park' in Melbourne during this weekend. Please contact O.Andrij (st.volodymyr.parish@gmail.com) if you are interested in attending this event - the Parish is looking to arrange a coach.
Sunday June 5 (tentative date): Svyato Heroiv concert, Queanbeyan. The children of our Oseredok will be taking part in this concert (hosted by Hromada Queanbeyan) to be held at the hall in Queanbeyan. Detailed information will be provided closer to the time.
Annual General Meeting
On the 8th of December 2010, The CYM Branch of Canberra/Queanbeya held its Annual General meeting which saw a shuffle in its Uprava.

Sviato Heroiv
‘Fight For Ukraine – We Are Sons of Freedom!
In 2010, when we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the formation of CYM in Australia, we also mark another important commemoration, the 60th anniversary of the death of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) - Roman Shukhevych- Taras Chypruynka

View the photos from the event in the:
Krajova Uprava Photo Gallery
Velykodnia Piatnytsia (Good Friday Vespers)
Each year members of CYM Canberra-Queanbeyan Oseredok (Branch) attend St, Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church to participate in the Velykodnia Piatnytsia Vespers. We were pleased to have amongst us Druzhynnyky Stepan Duma and Andrij Suchowersky from Oseredok CYM Sydney.

View the photos from the event in the:
Krajova Uprava Photo Gallery
Svyato Myhayila – Oselya ‘Hoverlia’ – Sydney
Sunday 6a.m. on 6th December 2009, group of our CYM members together with the Ukrainian Consul, Mykola Dzhydzhora and Yurj Yevsevsky from the Ukrainian Embassy left Canberra to celebrate the Feast of the Patron of CYM, the Archangel Michael, with our sister Oseredok in Sydney.
Arriving at oselya ‘Hoverlia’ we recalled previous visits when we participated in CYM tabory (summer camps). We were especially delighted to renew friendships with our Sydney CYM family.

View the photos from the event in the:
Krajova Uprava Photo Gallery
Honouring Stepan Bandera – Leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists
Fifty years have passed since Ukrainians in the Diaspora received the solemn and tragic news that the Leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists was no longer with us.
